This manual covers installation and operating instructions for the following 3Com® BigpictureTM products:
∙Videophone Camera & Capture Card
3Com, the 3Com logo, and U.S. Robotics are registered trademarks; Bigpicture and the Bigpicture logo are trademarks of 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. Windows and NetMeeting are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Kai’s Photo Soap Special Edition is a trademark of MetaCreations. Digital Video Producer is a trademark of Asymetrix. VDOPhone, VDOLive, and VDOMail are trademarks of VDOnet Corp. iVisit is a trademark of BoxTop Interactive. Any other trademarks or service marks used in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright © 1997 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries 7770 North Frontage Rd.
Skokie, IL