Cross references are printed in boldface.
A computer program designed to perform a specific function, such as word processing or organizing data into a spreadsheet.
.avi (audio-video interleaved)
Developed by Microsoft Corporation,
.avi is a digital video architecture for use in the Windows operating system. It is a common standard for synchronized audio/video delivery on PC compatible computers, known as Video for Windows. In this file format, blocks of audio data are woven into a stream of video frames.
baud rate
A term used to measure the speed of an analog transmission from one point to another.
Frequently, baud rate is incorrectly used to mean bit rate.
binary digit
A 0 or 1, reflecting the use of the binary numbering system (only two digits). Used because the computer recognizes either of two states, OFF or ON. The shortened form of binary digit is bit.
bit rate
Also referred to as transmission rate. The number of binary digits, or bits, transmitted per second (bps). Communications channels using telephone channel modems are established at set bit rates, commonly 2400, 4800, 9600, 14,400, 28,800 and higher.