DN = Digital Numbers, also known as “levels” (0 – 255 for
All measurements taken with camera operating in 96 stage mode.
All measurements exclude the last pixel of OS 1 and the first pixel of OS4. Tested using volpi (18111.001) linght line source, default camera gain.
1.Measured across 1 tap (512 pixels – 2K) (1024 pixels – 4K).
2.Typical offset @ 20°C ambient.
3.Excludes last pixel of OS1 and first pixel.
4.Measured across all taps.
5.Measured on each tap relative to next ten pixels. Measured at Vsat.
6.Measured with digital outputs, (terminated in 100 ohms).
7.A delta window of 8 pixels is examined and shifted by half its window. First and last pixel excluded from each tap.
8.Camera will operate below min. line rate with degraded performance.
9.Power supply must support >850 mA surge current.
1.3 Image Sensor
The family of Osprey cameras use the following Fairchild sensors: The 2K x 96 TDI camera uses the CCD525 sensor, and the 4K x 96 TDI camera uses the CCD545 sensor. Both sensors have 13∝m square pixels on a 13∝m pitch.
Both sensors are approximately 96 times more sensitive compared to line scan cameras.
Fairchild Imaging •