The supphed wtreless Remote Commander _suseful to control the camcorder from a dtstance When usmg tt, be sure to set the BI REMOTE COMMANDER ON/OFF swttch to ON.
To make the same indications in the viewfinder on the TV (only on the Commander)
To turn the indicationsoff, press it again.
Th_sDATA SCREEN on TV will tell you which playback mode you are using.
i Ii " ±'""
To view the still picture (playback pause)
Press II during playback
II appears in the viewfinder.
To resume normal playback, press _> or II.
When the still picture mode lasts for 5 minutes or more, the camcorder automatically enters the stop mode.
1"o view the picture at 1/5 speed (slow playback) (only on the Commander)
Press I_ during playback.
I1_ appears in the viewfinder.
To resume normal playback, press D.
When slow playback lasts for 1 minute or more, the playback at the normal speed starts automatically
To locate the desired scene (picture search)
Keep pressing | _ | or _ | during playback or in the still picture mode. _ or _ appears m |
the viewfinder. |
To resume normal playback, release the button.
To locate the desired scene quickly (skip scan)
Press _ during rewinding or _ during advancing the tape rapidly._ or _ appears m the viewfinder.
To resume normal playback, press D.
About the playback picture
During the var=ousplayback modes, streaks appear on the screen.
Advanced Camera Operation 35