[] r
[] _ PLAY (play back) button _)
[] <1<1 REW (rewind) button (_
[] [] STOP button
[] II PAUSE button _)
[] DATA SCREEN button:
[] HOLD switch* (_)
[] START/STOP button
[] FF _ (fast forward) button _)
[] Power zoom button
[] liD- SLOW (slow playback) button _
IIF£_[; FJit='T_lvJL'_ fl3T;[_Jm
[a]Focus is maintained (_'_)
[b]BACK LIGHT is pressed (1_)
[c]PROGRAM AE setting (_, _k,, ,_ )
[d]Power zoom indicator
[e]FADER is pressed
[f]"Exchange battery" (_\_)
[g]Moisture has condensed ([])
[h]Lights up during recording When blinking: "Exchange battery or tape"
[i]Playback mode (LP)
The * mdqcates the functtons which are
operable only wtth the commander,
[_ | _l] |
, | U] |
•. [o] [p]
., [rl
[j]Tape transport mode
[k]Tape counter
[I]Remaining time of tape [m] ZERO MEM is pressed
[n]"Exchange tape or no tape inside" (_)
[0]"Trouble has occurred"
[p]Remaining capacity of a battery
[r]Date or Time
[s]"Replace lithium battery" (_)
8Addltaonal Information