Nikon SB-21 J571~QilIE~~~0*6f1J, For Micro·Nikkor 55mm fI2,B and 55mm fl3.5 Normal position

Page 48



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MFULL = f-l1/ 8

150400 0)7 1 11.-1.. c'(;I: M 1/ 16 = f-J 1/5 . 6. M 1/ 4= f-J 1/ II .

MFULL = f-J I/ 22

tto:~) *~ .

The following graphs show the relationship between the subject-to-film-plane distance and aperture set on the lens at ISO 100.

Determine the proper aperture from the graph and set on the lens. For film speeds other than ISO 100, com- pensate the aperture. With one step lower film speed, use one stop wider aperture (smaller f-number), and vice versa.

Note that the graphs for lenses in normal position only show apertures at reproduction ratios lower than 1:1. Apertures are not given for higher reproduction ratios with lenses in normal position.

When using the Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/ 2.8 lens, for example, see graph 1,

With ISO 100 film , to shoot a subject Q,5m away from the film plane at 1/16 output, set the lens aperture to f/8 . If your film is ISO 25, set the lens aperture to f/4 .

With a subject closer than 40mm away from the flash modules, attach the Condenser Adapter SW-8 and reset the lens aperture to an aperture approx. 1/2 stop smaller.

When the S8-21 is powered by external power source LA-2 or LD-2, use an aperture approx. 1/2 stop smaller than that determined using the graph.

"717055mmf 2. 8·55mm fl 3. 5lEloJ~~fflll;f

For Micro·Nikkor 55mm fI2,B and 55mm fl3.5

in normal position

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(ISO 100)

Graph 1

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Image 48
Contents Page ~~~~~CONTENTS~~~~~ = UI, =J/7 7 0 I 7 1 ~ 59-2 1~ h llc 59-2 1IHijljll~!llIIIIl~ I1.t= , v / zii1iimI llX I 1tltTil ~ i~ ~ . t iJ*l!tftL iJJ blijijl~ t Ef-ft lrr . t Ijiml ciJhil!!v t= c. ~ t=, .g-hltc ,il!!lIllHI9/ , f.i I ~Hlll1il!jjH·!ffiall,I9. P 19~~~ ~7t~~IJtl 52mm7$7$-IJ/~1IUP.1IT/ ~-~-tv7$ Ej§7I.-UIjTTUt·t~T =J/770.1- r7nSB-ZIL 1fSB-ZIBjF4,F-801,FAJE2, F-501, F-301, FGtJ/ 7t 7*Jl#~htt19 0 AS-127~~Ij0 / 7 I /7 IE L ,?Ci I Il!J t? e ! L- T I! P. I I ~ ~ A, f ~ t I ~ J r L- T f ! l~ 13li£1 ~ 32~ 13li£! T15E~ l c l = / ~ -1-55mm , 105mm,200mm~Ll.l on / t.. IJ . L- Ii ~ , / v T l ~2~~0R*~0~ft~~.~~BR-2A I v / Ora, l ~ S ljJIJ?CI oBR-S/ 7/~1Z BR-6 /71 Ij, V / 01fiil. 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To ~ 11 1J!IJiiii01\0dil t~IJ ~Jl1j/J L..-r, LD- 2r*Jll!IHIl L 1 T o~J 5C-21-,r J-~0-7-09i-ll!I1it.tijllla\p-?,?7~~9Q t /l t!o iJ 9 0 t t L- ,SB-2 1Alj?-$-? TTLItIl~tI~SB-2 1A1~IllIl\Ij, AS-121TTL~n$ lJI,,/~ ~====l 11 l!C!·~ I r8 ~SC--!I8! ~----I~oJ to llIX tJitltt ~ ~ XISB-21.lIX tHtlH t/lI I Q LI7Ili iUiltt *lfltt ItlcSB- 21 Ol*Jli~l liF.!j11t!±.1iJfFfllcl ~li~j-/iI»t ~ 0 ~ -AS- 12. AS 1408B- 2liiafflJ ?-7FfflLf=fIH9 J -J, ~OmlH~IfIL 7-7--tj TiY 90C, tJliLJ.lfr.!ih!H±-lt-A#UIDJIi~ t ti I * 9 . ti tJ , O.!I f= 1j.H!Ofl/l SB-210*f.ttJJ UJ/~ D-5-AS-12, 14fiilJhf=HJ!J ~. t C9 0 4-7 7 ~j -t,~M~2-7 7 tJi1!lJ1l, Jij ~. t t ~ IH 9 0 ~ t- i ~ l~ if!i.lil.aJ~ t- i ~ l~ *1* t 1!ilffi.tJC, ~ ~ .J ? ~ lc t ~ l I ~WIi milffi., 1~iicLltj,IiR It/it £ 9IJ £ 9 IJ £9~FOREWORD=====~ Power cord Condenser Adapter SW·862mm adapter ring To fire both flash modulesAc~epts power cord of the S8-21 main unit Setting to M manual or TTL turns on the S8-21To be used for TTL auto flash operation with F3 Controller AS-14Before Using the SB-21 Usable LensesAF Zoom·Nikkor lenses cannot be used with With non·AF zoom lensesInstalling Batteries in Controller Attaching Controller and SB-21 Main UnitWith AS·12 With AS·14 With AS·14 With AS·12Attach the 58·21 to the lens Connect the 58·21 Main Unit ControllerLCD shows Or slower As set 11250LED lor manually set shutter speed lights up M90 and B··TTL Auto Flash Shooting Set lens index to the red RE- Verse position400 With F4·series, F-801 /N8008For external power source For batteries Select and set apertureInside the controller Set the power/mode Switch to OFFWith lens in normal position When the 58·21 is powered from the external power source Reset lens to an aperture 1/2 stop smallerLA·2 or LD·2 With the Condenser Adapter 5W·8 attachedGuide number at flash-to-subject distance of 1m approx .3ft Ready-Light Warning FunctionsWith SB-21A Using the Focus Illuminator With 5B-21BTTL Multiple Flash Photography With the SB-21 BMaster flash unit Connect to + Connect to = --+Connect toMe ~ -l Slave flash unitExternal Power Source After useAbout grounding Unplug the SC-21 s other plug from the S8-21DC Power Unit LD·2 Turn on the LD-2. FigAfter use Turn off both controller and LDTips on Speedlight Care About BatteriesRange in TTL F4-series, F-801/N8008 Mode VerticalInclude optional AC Unit LA-2 DC Unit LD·2 which holdsJ571~QilIE~~~0*6f1J For Micro·Nikkor 55mm fI2,B and 55mm fl3.5 Normal positionGraph For Micro·Nikkor SSmm 1/2.8 and SSmm 1/3.5 Reverse position For Micro·Nikkor 10Smm 1/2,8 in reverse positionIII For Micro-Nikkor 10Smm 1/4 in normal positionFor Micro-Nikkor 10Smm fJ4 in reverse position For Micro-Nikkor 200mm fJ4 in normal position71701 05mmf /4~1oJ~~.IIl~ 20mm 85mmv- 7170 v-~~iEloJ ~~.IIl ~M/ \ Nikon Phone 81-3-3214-5311 Telex Nikon J22601 FAXFixation du 58-21 a Iobjectifen position normale Para usar el objetivo AF Micro-Nikkor de 60mm fl2,8 con elAcoplado del 58-21 al objetivo en posicion normal NormaIe Determining aperture according to shooting distanceUsage de IobjectifAF Micro·Nikkor 105mm f/2,8 avec Ie 5B·21 Fixation du 5B·21 aIobjectif en positionPara usar el objetivo AF Micro-Nikkor de 105mm 1/2,8 con el ~ oJL-60 mmF2 I JIlft wr 1fffl f.I g 1 JIl1t It1i Wie Sie das S8·21 am normal angesetzten Objektiv befestigenUsage de Iobjectif AF Micro·Nikkor 60mm fl2,8 avec Ie S8·21 Wie Sie die 81ende je nach Aufnahmeabstand bestimmen Seite

SB-21 specifications

The Nikon SB-21 is a highly regarded external flash unit that has earned a reputation among photographers for its versatility and reliable performance. Designed for use with Nikon’s line of DSLR cameras, this compact flash unit is favored by both amateur and professional photographers alike.

One of the key features of the SB-21 is its powerful guide number, which provides robust illumination in various settings. This allows users to effectively light subjects even in challenging low-light environments or larger spaces where additional lighting is essential. The SB-21 also boasts a range of customizable settings, giving photographers control over the intensity and direction of light.

The flash offers a zoom head, which allows it to cover various focal lengths. This adaptability is particularly beneficial for photographers who frequently switch between wide-angle and telephoto lenses. The ability to zoom not only enhances light coverage but also ensures that the flash can be fine-tuned to match the specific needs of each shot.

In terms of technology, the SB-21 integrates Nikon’s advanced i-TTL metering system. This intelligent system measures the light needed for a scene and adjusts the flash output accordingly, resulting in well-exposed images with minimal user intervention. This feature enables photographers to focus on their composition without worrying about manual exposure settings.

The build quality of the SB-21 is another highlight, as it is designed to withstand the rigors of regular use. It features a durable exterior that enhances its longevity, making it a trustworthy tool for outdoor and event photography. Additionally, the flash unit supports wireless operation, enabling users to trigger it remotely for creative lighting setups.

The Nikon SB-21 also includes a variety of accessories, such as diffusion panels and bounce cards, allowing further customization of light output to achieve specific effects.

Overall, the Nikon SB-21 stands out as a reliable and feature-rich external flash unit that meets the demands of various photographic styles. Its versatility, intelligent technology, and robust construction make it an essential accessory for any Nikon photographer looking to enhance their lighting capabilities. Whether shooting portraits, events, or creative projects, the SB-21 delivers exceptional performance and quality, making it easier to capture stunning images in any lighting condition.