Nikon SB-21 instruction manual Para usar el objetivo AF Micro-Nikkor de 105mm 1/2,8 con el, ~ o

Page 55

Para usar el objetivo AF Micro-Nikkor de 105mm 1/2,8 con el 58-21

Para mayores instrucciones ref/erase al manual de instrucciones del S8-21 .

Acoplado del 58-21 al objetivo en posicion normal

Aunque el tamano de montaje del AF Micro- Nikkor 105mm f/2,8 es de 52mm, use el anillo adaptador de 62mm en lugar del anillo adaptador de 52mm.

Determinacion de la abertura segun la distancia de disparo (pagina 24)

V$anse los siguientes graficos a continuacion . N6tese que estos corresponden al AF Micro- Nikkor de 105mm f/2,8 con 88-21 alimentado mediante una fuente de alimentaci6n externa LA-2 0 LO -2. Para salida plena, cuando el S8-21 se usa con pilas de tipo AA en el controlador, use una abertura de aproximadamente 1/2 -1 nume ro mas pequeno (numero f-menor) que el determi- nado usando el grafico. Para una salida de M1/4 0 M1/16, use la abertura indicada en los graticos.

AF "717 "105mmF2 . 8.iEtoJ~~IIlB'l'

For AF Mlcro-Nikkor 10Smm 112 _8 In normal position Fur AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm 112,8 In Normalstellung Pour AF Mlcro -Nikkor de 105mm 112,8 en position normale Para AF Mlcro-Nikkor de 105mm 112,8 en posicion normal



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1/1 .4 2 2 .8 4 5.6 8 " 16 22 32

lI~v/;(~I)fl Aperture Blende

Ouverture Abertura

AF "7170 105mmF 2.8~toJ~li1;IIlB'l' For AF Mlcro-Nlkkor 105mm 112.8 In reverse position

Fur AF Mlcro-Nlkkor 10Smm 112,8 in Retrostellung

Pour AF Mlcro-Nlkkor de 10Smm 112,8 en position Inversee Para AF Mlcro-Nlkkor de 105mm 112,8 en posicion Inversa




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1/1.4 2 2 .8 4 5.6 8 " 16 22 32

-lIJ3v/;;(~IJfI Aperture Bl en de

Ouverture Abertura

Image 55
Contents Page ~~~~~CONTENTS~~~~~ Ijiml ciJhil!!v t= c. ~ t=, .g-hltc ,il!!lIll = UI, =J/7 7 0 I 7 1 ~ 59-2 1~ h llc59-2 1IHijljll~!llIIIIl~ I1.t= , v / zii1iimI llX I 1tlt Til ~ i~ ~ . t iJ*l!tftL iJJ blijijl~ t Ef-ft lrr . t52mm7$7$-IJ/~ HI9/ , f.i I ~Hlll1il!jjH·!ffiall,I9. P 19~~~ ~7t~~IJtlEj§ 1IUP.1IT/ ~-~-tv7$7I.-UIjTTUt·t~T IE L ,?Ci I Il!J t =J/770.1- r7nSB-ZIL1fSB-ZIBjF4,F-801,FAJE2, F-501, F-301, FGtJ/ 7t 7*Jl#~htt 19 0 AS-127~~Ij0 / 7 I /7= / ~ -1-55mm , 105mm,200mm~ ? e ! L- T I! P. I I ~ ~ A, f~ t I ~ J r L- T f ! l ~ 13li£1 ~ 32~ 13li£! T15E~ l c l~2~~0R*~0~ft~~.~~ Ll.l on / t.. IJ . L- Ii ~ , / v T lEjil~ v- O~eJfl1l ...- 71j 001 t! /~ l, h,L 7 I iitr BR-2A I v / Ora, l ~ S ljJIJ?CI oBR-S/ 7/~1ZBR-6 /71 Ij, V / 01fiil. 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To~ 11 1J!IJiiii01\0dil t~IJ ~Jl1j/J L..-r, LD- 2r*Jll!I HIl L 1 T o~JTTLItIl~tI~ ~~9Q t /l t!o iJ 9 0 t t L- ,SB-2 1Alj?-$-?SB-2 1A1~IllIl\Ij, AS-121TTL~n$ lJI,,/~ ~SC--!I8! ~----I ~====l11 l!C!· ~ I r8~ 0 ~ -AS- 12. AS 1408B- 2liiafflJ ?-7 ~oJ to llIX tJitltt ~ ~ XISB-21.lIX tHtlH t/lI I QLI7Ili iUiltt *lfltt Itlc SB- 21 Ol*Jli~l liF.!j11t!±.1iJfFfllcl ~li~j-/iI»tSB-210*f.ttJJ UJ/~ D-5-AS-12, 14fiilJhf= FfflLf=fIH9 J -J, ~OmlH~IfIL 7-7--tjTiY 90C, tJliLJ.lfr.!ih!H±-lt-A#UI DJIi~ t ti I * 9 . ti tJ , O.!I f= 1j.H!Ofl/l~WIi milffi., 1~iic HJ!J ~. t C9 0 4-7 7 ~j -t,~M~2-7 7 tJi1!lJ1l, Jij~. t t ~ IH 9 0 ~ t- i ~ l~ if!i.lil.aJ ~ t- i ~ l~ *1* t 1!ilffi.tJC, ~ ~ .J ? ~ lc t ~ l IIJ £9 Lltj,IiRIt/it £ 9 IJ £ 9~FOREWORD=====~ To fire both flash modules Power cordCondenser Adapter SW·8 62mm adapter ringController AS-14 Ac~epts power cord of the S8-21 main unitSetting to M manual or TTL turns on the S8-21 To be used for TTL auto flash operation with F3With non·AF zoom lenses Before Using the SB-21Usable Lenses AF Zoom·Nikkor lenses cannot be used withWith AS·14 With AS·12 Installing Batteries in ControllerAttaching Controller and SB-21 Main Unit With AS·12 With AS·14Connect the 58·21 Main Unit Controller Attach the 58·21 to the lensM90 and B·· LCD shows Or slowerAs set 11250 LED lor manually set shutter speed lights upWith F4·series, F-801 /N8008 TTL Auto Flash ShootingSet lens index to the red RE- Verse position 400Select and set aperture For external power source For batteriesInside the controller Switch to OFF Set the power/modeWith lens in normal position With the Condenser Adapter 5W·8 attached When the 58·21 is powered from the external power sourceReset lens to an aperture 1/2 stop smaller LA·2 or LD·2Ready-Light Warning Functions Guide number at flash-to-subject distance of 1m approx .3ftWith SB-21A With 5B-21B Using the Focus Illuminator+ Connect to = --+Connect to TTL Multiple Flash PhotographyWith the SB-21 B Master flash unit Connect toSlave flash unit Me ~ -lUnplug the SC-21 s other plug from the S8-21 External Power SourceAfter use About groundingTurn off both controller and LD DC Power Unit LD·2Turn on the LD-2. Fig After useAbout Batteries Tips on Speedlight CareDC Unit LD·2 which holds Range in TTL F4-series, F-801/N8008 ModeVertical Include optional AC Unit LA-2For Micro·Nikkor 55mm fI2,B and 55mm fl3.5 Normal position J571~QilIE~~~0*6f1JGraph For Micro-Nikkor 10Smm 1/4 in normal position For Micro·Nikkor SSmm 1/2.8 and SSmm 1/3.5 Reverse positionFor Micro·Nikkor 10Smm 1/2,8 in reverse position III20mm 85mmv- 7170 v-~~iEloJ ~~.IIl ~ For Micro-Nikkor 10Smm fJ4 in reverse positionFor Micro-Nikkor 200mm fJ4 in normal position 71701 05mmf /4~1oJ~~.IIl~M/ \ Phone 81-3-3214-5311 Telex Nikon J22601 FAX NikonPara usar el objetivo AF Micro-Nikkor de 60mm fl2,8 con el Fixation du 58-21 a Iobjectifen position normaleAcoplado del 58-21 al objetivo en posicion normal Fixation du 5B·21 aIobjectif en position NormaIeDetermining aperture according to shooting distance Usage de IobjectifAF Micro·Nikkor 105mm f/2,8 avec Ie 5B·21~ o Para usar el objetivo AF Micro-Nikkor de 105mm 1/2,8 con elWie Sie die 81ende je nach Aufnahmeabstand bestimmen Seite JL-60 mmF2 I JIlft wr 1fffl f.I g 1 JIl1t It1iWie Sie das S8·21 am normal angesetzten Objektiv befestigen Usage de Iobjectif AF Micro·Nikkor 60mm fl2,8 avec Ie S8·21