2. CEM60 Terms
2.1. Parts List1
There are two shipping boxes for a CEM60 mount. One box contains an aluminum carrying case with a mount, either CEM60 (#7200) or
∙iOptron® CEM60 telescope mount (#7200, with silver adjustment knobs) or iOptron®
∙Go2Nova® 8407+ Hand Controller
∙One 21lbs (9.5 kg) counterweight
∙Stainless steel counterweight shaft
∙Dark field illuminating LED cable
∙AC adapter
∙HC Controller Cable X 1
∙Serial cable (RS232 toRJ9)
∙12V DC power cable with car charger
∙Aluminum carrying case
∙Quick Start Guide
∙2” tripod (#8021ACC)
∙42 inch pier (#8033) /48 inch pier (#8030)
∙MiniPier (#8032)
∙PowerWeightTM rechargeable counterweight battery (#8128)
ONLINE CONTENTS (click under “Support” menu) www.iOptron.com
∙Quick Start Guide
∙This manual
∙Tips for set up
∙Hand controller and mount firmware upgrades (check online for latest version)
∙.NET ASCOM driver
∙Reviews and feedback from other customers
1US market only. Actual contents may vary.