Click on Upload to the right of the text “Internet Camera” to set up the configuration for the FTP server, time schedule, and manual operation.
FTP Server: This field contains the following six basic settings for your FTP server.
ξHost Address: The IP Address of the target FTP server.
ξPort Number: The standard port number for the FTP server is Port 21, which is also the default setting. If the FTP server uses a different port, please confirm this with the IT manager.
ξUser Name: Enter the user name in this field.
ξPassword: Enter the user password in this field to login into the FTP server.
ξDirectory Path: Enter an existing folder name in this field, and the images will be uploaded to the given folder.
ξPassive Mode: This function depends on your FTP server. Please check with your IT manager if the FTP server uses passive mode. The default setting is No.