¸ | × |
Photo Mode, 43 | VCR, 30 |
Photo Search, 67 | Video Heads, 90 |
Playback, 28 | Videocassettes, 19 |
Playback Connection, 30 | Viewfinder, 82 |
Playback Pause, 28 | ã |
Power Adapter, 6, 16 | |
Powering Your Camcoder, 16 | White Balance, 63 |
Preparing the Camera, 82 | Widescreen TV, 52 |
Problems, 92 | Wireless Controller, 6, 36 |
å | ó |
Recharging the Battery Pack, 83 | Zebra Pattern, 62 |
Record Pause Mode, 21 | Zooming, 24 |
Record Review, 47 |
Record Search, 47 |
Recording, 21 |
Recording Programs, 48 |
Remote Control, 36 |
Remote Sensor, 37 |
Rewind, 28 |
SP Mode, 22 Specifications, 99 Speedlite, 45 Spotlight, 50 STANDBY Lever, 21 Still Pictures, 43 Storage, 89 System Diagram, 12
Tally Lamp, 36
Tape Protection, 20
Telephoto, 24
Temperature, 85, 89
Time Code, 98
Tripod, 31
Troubleshooting, 92
TV, 30, 95
Tv Recording Mode, 49
Using the Camera Abroad, 90 Using the Menus, 34
Information | Additional |