Example /api/param?network.dns.status=on
Example of Response network.dns.status&200 OK
Interpretation Change status of DNS server setting, or validate changes to DNS server settings. Specify "on", "off" or "restart". Changes of DNS server settings become valid by "restart".
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting DNS Server IP Address from VN-V686
Format /api/param?network.dns.ip
Example of Response network.dns.ip= OK
Interpretation Acquire IP address of DNS server.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting DNS Server IP Address for VN-V686
Format /api/param?network.dns.ip=data
Example /api/param?network.dns.ip=
Example of Response
network.dns.ip&202 Accepted(network.dns.status=restart)
Interpretation Change IP address of DNS server. To validate the change, use "network.dns.status=restart" API. Allowed users admin, operator
Getting MAC Address from VN-V686
Format /api/param?network.interface.mac
Example of Response network.interface.mac=008088001AEF&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the MAC address. A
Allowed users admin, operator, user
6.11. Network Details
The APIs below are related to network details. These are equivalent to the features on the Details page of the WEB setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Details page.
Getting TOS Value of JPEG from VN-V686
Format /api/param?network.interface.dscp.video.jpeg
Example of Response network.interface.dscp.video.jpeg=56&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire TOS that includes DHCP field for JPEG.