Basic Owner’s Manual
Wearable Camera
Model No. HX-A500
Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use.
More detailed operating instructions are available in “Owner’s Manual (PDF format)”. To read it, download it from the website.
≥Click the desired language.
*You will need Adobe Reader to browse or print the Owner’s Manual (PDF format).
You can download and install a version of Adobe Reader that you can use with your OS from the following website. (As of April 2014) http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
Register online at www.panasonic.com/register (U.S. customers only)
If you have any questions, visit :
U.S.A. : www.panasonic.com/support
Canada : www.panasonic.ca/english/support