General | Windows CE |
The following MSDOS compatible commands are available:
ATTRIB | Shows file attributes or changes them. |
CALL | Calls a batch program from another one. |
CD, CHDIR | Changes the current directory or shows its name. |
CLS | Clears the screen content. |
COPY | Copies one or several files to another position. |
DATE | Changes the set date or displays it. |
DEL | Deletes one or several files. |
DIR | Lists the files and subdirectories of a directory. |
ECHO | Displays messages or switches the command display on/off. |
ERASE | Deletes one or several files. |
EXIT | Ends the CMD.EXE command interpreter. |
GOTO | Continues the execution of a batch program at a specific label. |
HELP | Displays the Help for the command line commands. |
IF | Processes expressions with conditions in a batch program. |
MD, MKDIR | Creates a directory. |
MOVE | Moves one or several files. |
PATH | Creates the search path for executable files or displays this. |
PAUSE | Breaks the execution of a batch processing file. |
PROMPT | Modifies the entry prompt. |
RD, RMDIR | Removes (deletes) a directory. |
REM | Introduces comments in a batch program (batch files). |
REN, RENAME | Renames one or several files. |
SET | Sets or removes environment variables or displays them. |
SHIFT | Moves the position of replaceable parameters in a batch program. |
START | Starts a separate window for executing the program. |
TIME | Sets the system time or displays them. |
TYPE | Displays the content of a text file. |
Detailed Help on the commands can be displayed using the HELP [Command] instruction.
The following MICRO PANEL specific commands are also available:
Time delay by n seconds before the next line within a BATCH file (e.g. Autoexec.bat) is executed.
Do not use START for the Delay call!
During the startup of the device, the bitmap «Autoexec.bmp» can be displayed instead of the Windows CE user interface if required. This option is set in «Control Panel Display», see Boot Option (Startup with hidden OS Shell). The file is stored in the root directory of the boot device.
The AUTOEXEC.BMP file is not shown if the CTRL/DOWNLOAD button is pressed during the startup!
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