Whiteboard Mode
CSave drawing data in a file
All drawing and erasing operations of the Interactive Panaboard which are reproduced on a page in the Whiteboard window are automatically recorded. And if the data is saved in the Interactive Panaboard format file (extension ".ipb", referred to as IPB documents), the details of meetings and discussions written in the Panaboard can be played back and edited later.
(1) Click [Save As...] in the [File] menu.
CThe Save As dialog box will appear.
(2) Enter the folder where you want to save the file and the file name.
CThe extension of the file is ".ipb".
(3) Click the [Save] button.
COpen the saved data
The saved data can be displayed in the Whiteboard window as well as browsed, played back and edited.
(1) Click [Open...] in the [File] menu.
CThe Open dialog box will appear.
(2) Enter the folder to look in and the file name you want to open.
CThe file has an ".ipb" extension.
(3) Click the [Open] button.
CMany different operations can be executed in the displayed IPB document.
Save the IPB document in another file format. (See page 50.)
Switch a page of the IPB document. (See page 54.)
Edit a page of the IPB document. (See page 54.)
Playback the IPB document. (See page 57.)
Print the IPB document. (See page 58.)