C8000-CBFFF to DC000-DFFFF Shadow
These options are used to shadow other expansion card ROMs.
Small Logo (EPA) show
3.Press <ESC> to return to the Main Menu when you finish setting up all items.
10.4Advanced Chipset Features
Advanced Chipset Features is used to modify the values of chipset buff- ers. These buffers control the system options.
Run the Advanced Chipset Features as follows:
1.Choose “Advanced Chipset Features” from the Main Menu and a list of options will appear.
D RA M Tim i ng b y S P D | E nabled | Item He lp |
D RA M C lock | Host C LK | M enu Le ve l |
S D RA M C ycle Leng th | 3 |
B ank Interleave | D isabled |
M em ory Hole | E nabled |
P 2C /C 2P C oncurre nc y | E nabled |
S ystem B IOS C acheable | E nabled |
V ideo RA M C acheable | E nabled |
F ram e B uffer S ize | 16M |
A GP A perture S ize | 64M |
A P G | E nabled |
A GP D riving C o ntro l | A uto |
A GP D riving Value | D A |
B oot D evice S elect | B oth |
OnC hip US B | E nabled |
US B K eyboard S upport | D isabled |
OnC hip S ound | E nabled |
C P U to P C I W rite B uffer | E nabled |
P C I D ynam ic B ursti ng | E nabled |
P C I M as ter 0 W S W rite | E nabled |
P C I D ela y Tra nsaction | E nabled |
P C I#2 A ccess #1 Retry | D isabled |
A GP M aster 1 W S W rite | D isabled |
A GP M aster 1 W S Read | D isabled |
Use one of the arrow keys to move between options and modify the selected options by using PgUp / PgDn / + / - keys.
DRAM Timing by SPD
When this item is Enabled, DRAM Timing is set by SPD. SPD (Serial Presence Detect) is located on the memory modules, BIOS reads informa- tion coded in SPD during system boot up.
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