Route guidance
When planning a route, the Lucca will always take the route parameters, which can be viewed and changed in the Route Parameters menu, into account. (Chap. “Selecting route parameters”)
Arriving at your destination
When arriving at the destination, Lucca will immediately issue the message “You have now reached your destination”.
The map will then only show your current position.
GPS reception problems
If the GPS is unable to receive a signal once the destination has been entered, the cursor will be shown in grey.
Route guidance will be stopped. Once GPS reception has been
If you are inside an enclosed space and experience GPS reception problems, it might help if you go outside. This is because the Lucca’s reception works best if it has an unobstructed view of the sky.
End Route Guidance
➜ Press the Back button to close the map.
The Navigation menu opens.
➜Press the Cancel route guidance button.
You will now be shown a confirmation prompt.
You can now either end or continue route guidance:
➜Press Yes to end route guidance. - or -
➜Press No to continue route guidance.