➜Select the entry you want to navigate to from the list and press it.
You will now be shown additional information on the selected destination.
➜Press Done.
The Lucca will now display the map and plan the route.
Organise Favourites
You can organise you Favourites:
•In alphabetic order
•By distance
➜Press the Distance or Abc button in the Favourites menu to change the order in which your Favourites are organised.
Search Favourites
You can also search your Favourites for a particular destination. To do so:
➜Press the Find button in the Favourites menu.
The Find Favourites menu opens.
➜Enter the name of the destination you are looking for using the onscreen keyboard.
You will now be shown a list of results.
➜Press on the POI to which you want to navigate to. You will now be shown additional information on the selected POI.
You will now be shown additional information on the selected destination.
➜Press Done.
The Lucca will now display the map and plan the route.
Using your home address as a destination
Once you have entered your home address, you will be able to use it to navigate home easily and comfortably no matter where you are. The address saved as your home address can be viewed under General Settings and changed at any time. (Section “Basic settings”, “Entering your home address”)
➜Press the Navigation button in the main menu.
The Navigation menu opens.
➜Press the Home button.
The Lucca will now display the map and plan the route.
If you have not yet saved a home address, the Lucca will now prompt you to do so.
Selecting a destination from the map
This function allows you to select a destination for route guidance directly from the map. This includes cities/towns, streets and POIs.
➜Press the Navigation button in the main menu.
The Navigation menu opens.
➜Press the Map button. The map opens.
➜ Press the arrow to show additional buttons.
➜Select the destination you would like to navigate to from the map and press on it.
➜Press Route to.
The Lucca will now display the map and plan the route. The destination will now be highlighted with a flag.
Moving the map
You can move, minimise or maximise the map to view the area in which your destination is located.
➜Place your finger on the map and move it into the required direction.
The map will now move into the direction it is being moved by your finger.