1Remove the audio system originally installed. Note: Be sure to keep all the screws and parts removed from your car. They are to be
used in the future.
2Install the mounting brackets, removed from the car, to this unit.
3Connect the wires (see the diagrams on the reverse side).
4Fix this unit to the car using the screws removed in step 1.
The following example shown is for installation in a Toyota.
For more details, consult your JVC car audio dealer.
注意: 請保存好從汽車上取下的所有螺絲釘和零 件,以備將來使用。
4使用上面第一步中拆下的螺絲釘將本機固定 到汽車上。
下面以丰田牌(Toyota)汽車為例對安裝進行說明。 欲瞭解更多資料,請向 JVC 汽車音響分銷商詢問。
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To prevent short circuits, we recommend that you disconnect the battery’s negative terminal and make all electrical connections before installing the unit. If you are not sure how to install this unit correctly, have it installed by a qualified technician.
This unit is designed to operate on 12 V DC, NEGATIVE ground electrical systems. If your vehicle does not have this system, a voltage inverter is required, which can be purchased at JVC car audio dealers.
•Replace the fuse with one of the specified rating. If the fuse blows frequently, consult your JVC car audio dealer.
•If noise is a problem...
This unit incorporates a noise filter in the power circuit. However, with some vehicles, clicking or other unwanted noise may occur. If this happens, connect the unit’s rear ground terminal (see connection diagram) to the car’s chassis using shorter and thicker cords, such as copper braiding or gauge wire. If noise still persists, consult your JVC car audio dealer.
•Maximum input of the speakers should be more
than 45 W at the rear and 45 W at the front, with an impedance of 4 Ω to 8 Ω.
•Be sure to ground this unit to the car’s chassis.
•The heat sink becomes very hot after use. Be careful not to touch it when removing this unit.
為防止短路,建議在安裝本機之前,斷開電池的負 極,並把所有電路都連接好。如果您不能確定如何正 確地安裝本機,應請合格的技術人員來安裝。
本機使用直流12V、負極接地的電源系統。如果您的車 輛沒有這一電源系統,則需要一個電壓變換器,您可以 在 JVC 汽車音響分銷商處買到它。
•把保險絲更換為額定負荷值的保險絲。如果保險絲經 常燒壞,請嚮 JVC 汽車音響分銷商詢問。
•若出現噪音問題 ...
本機在電源回路帶有一個噪音瀘器。但是,在某些車 輛上,會出現喀喀聲或其它噪音。如果發生這類情 況,將本機後面的接地端子用短而粗的導線,如編織 銅線或標準電纜,連接到汽車底盤上(見電路接線 圖)。如果噪音仍然持續存在,請嚮JVC汽車音響分 銷商詢問。
•後置揚聲器的最大輸入功率應大於 45 W ,前置揚聲 器的最大功率 45 W ,其阻抗的為 4 Ω - 8 Ω 。
•本機使用後,散熱片會很熱。因此,在移出本機時, 小心不要觸摸散熱片。
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