The display window of the recorder
1 | 2 | 3 4 5 6 | 7 | 8 |
L P 2 . 4 1 2
9 q; qa
AMONO (monaural) indication
BLP mode indication
CSound indications
DDisc indication
Shows that the disc is rotating for recording or playing an MD.
ELevel meter
Shows the volume of the MD being played or recorded.
FDisc name/track name indication Lights up when labeling a disc or a track.
HREC indication
Lights up while recording. When flashing, the recorder is in record standby mode.
qs qd
IBattery indication
Shows approximate battery condition.
J : Indication for remaining playing
time of the current track or of the disc
: Indication for remaining recordable time of the disc
KTime display
LCharacter information display Displays the disc and track names, error messages, track numbers, etc.
MPlay mode indications
Shows the play mode (shuffle play, repeat play, group play, bookmark play, etc.) of the MD.