ATRAC3, which stands for Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding3, is audio compression technology that satisfies the demand for high sound quality and high compression rates. The ATRAC3 compression rate is approximately 10 times higher than that of the Audio CD, resulting an increased data capacity for the media.
“Check-In /Check-Out”
You can check out a music file, check it back in, and then check it out again an infinite number of times. The SDMI rules provide that up to four copies of a music file can be checked out at one time. OpenMG employs a method whereby three copies of a song can be checked out simultaneously, while the fourth copy is maintained as a master on your PC.
Electronic Music Distribution (EMD) service
EMD is a website that distributes music files which are available for purchase.
MP3, which stands for
Music Drive
Music Drive is a music database for managing audio data on a computer. In Music Drive, audio files can be managed along with such information as artist names, track names, and CD jacket images, or can be combined and categorized in different playlists.
Copyright protection technology for the import and management of musical content from distribution services or CDs. By using software that are compliant with OpenMG, audio contents can be encrypted before storage on a hard disk drive to allow playback of those audio files on that computer. OpenMG also prevents the unauthorized distribution of the contents via the Internet or other networks.
A playlist is like a container that can be used to hold and categorize files stored in Music Drive. For example, by making a “jazz” playlist and then putting your favorite jazz tracks into the playlist, you can play all of the tracks repeatedly or check them all out at the same time.