numbers, email addresses, and Web addresses within the email are highlighted, which you can then call, email, or browse, respectively.
Composing an Email
To compose a new message, do one of the following:
•From the list of BlackBerry emails, select Options > Create Message > email. If you have more than one email account on the device, you are prompted to choose the email account.
•From within a BlackBerry message, select Options > Reply or Forward. You can also reply from the Messaging center without opening the BlackBerry message.
•From the Messaging application, select New Message.
Once you are in an email, you can move around the fields (To, Cc, Subject, body of message) by scrolling. After you compose the message and specify recipients, you can:
•Send an email message (Options > Send).
•Specify delivery settings for the message (Options > Sending Options > Priority or Send Using). Select the Priority setting to change the
default Normal delivery importance level to High or Low.
If you have more than one account that uses BlackBerry, select Send Using to specify the account you want to use to send the email.
•Match a partial recipient entry in an address field to a name in the device contacts (Options > Check Contacts).
Viewing Email Attachments
When you receive an email containing an attachment, press Options and select View Attachment. A list of the supported attachments appears. Press Options and select Full Content to view the entire attachment file or Table of Contents to view a section breakdown of the attachment file.
You can view .doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf, .wpd, .txt, .htm,
.zip, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .wmf, and .tif files that are attached to an email.
Some attachment types listed might not be supported by your server or by actions of the server administrator.