If storing was successful, the message STORED will be displayed, confirming that the information has been stored in the location number shown on the display.
–If the location is already occupied when storing a new entry, REPLACE CONTENT? is displayed.
–If the location is empty but the name being stored exists in another location, then MOVE NAME? will be displayed. Confirmation of this causes the location containing the name previously stored to be erased when the new name is stored.
In any of these instances, either:
–Press STO (within 8 seconds) if you want to replace the existing information, or
–Press CLR or wait until the message STORE NOT DONE appears if you do not want to delete the existing information.
The information you tried to store will then
There are some situations where the store cannot be done. In such an instance, a message is displayed:
–If there is no room to store a new entry, MEMORY FULL is displayed.
–If the location chosen is full, and the name being stored already exists in another location then LOCATION FULL is displayed. Either wait for the information you tried to store to
–If the name entered is too long to be stored, then NAME TOO LONG is displayed and the name is trun- cated. Press STO again to store the truncated name.
–If there is no room at all for the name, then
NO ROOM FOR NAME is displayed and the name is deleted. Press STO again to store only the number.
Alternative quick method for storing to the
and location 98 (voicemail/favorite number ):
AEnter the number/name.