Conducting calls – enhanced functions
Step by Step
| c | |
| Menu | ||
>< |
| [ | |
Service? |
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>< |
| [ | |
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Trunk FWD on? |
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| [ | |
| o | ||
| either: | ||
>< 1=immediate? | [ |
>< 2=on no answer? [
>< 3=on busy? [
External call forwarding with a multi- ple subscriber number
If your communication system is connected to an ISDN multiple device line, then you can forward all incoming calls from the public network through your multiple sub- scriber number (MSN) to an external destination.
There are three types of forwarding:
•Calls are forwarded immediately (1=immediate call forwarding).
•Calls are forwarded after a certain time (2=unan- swered calls).
•Calls are only forwarded when the line is busy (3=when busy).
Activating call forwarding to a "trunk"
Press the Talk key.
Call the system menu.
Select and confirm the menu item.
Select and confirm the menu item.
Enter and confirm your own multiple subscriber number.
Select and confirm the menu item.
Select and confirm the menu item.
Select and confirm the menu item.
Enter the phone number of the destination (without ex- ternal code).
Save the settings.