M e s s a g e s ( M e n u 1 )
Call and set up your voice mail
1.Once you have saved the voice mailbox number, press and hold 1.
2.When you connect to voice mail and the prerecorded greeting begins, follow the service’s automated instructions to set up your voice mail.
Listen to your voice messages
Once you have set up voice mail, you can dial the number in one of four ways:
•Dial the number using the keypad.
•Press and hold 1.
•Press Listen if there is a notification message in the display.
•At the standby screen, select Menu > Messages > Voice messages > Listen to voice messages, and press Select.
Once you connect and the prerecorded greeting begins, follow the automated instructions to listen to your voice messages.
location. Dialling codes instruct the receiving system to pause, wait, bypass, or accept the numbers that follow them in the dialling string.
Note: Voice mail services vary by service provider. The following instructions are examples of common operations. Please check with your service provider for specific instructions for using your voice mail service.
Write down voice mailbox number and process
1.Write down your voice mailbox number.
2.Call and check your voice mail as you normally would.
3.Write down your interaction with the recorded prompts
Dial 2145551212, pause 5 seconds, press 1, pause 2 seconds, press 1234, and press *.
Be precise; you will need this information in "Set up voice mail with dialling codes" on page 25.
Automate voice mail
You can insert special characters called dialling codes into phone numbers such as voice mail, and save the number to a speed dial
Insert dialling codes
Press * repeatedly to cycle through dialling codes. Once the desired code appears in the display, pause briefly and the code is inserted into the dialling string.
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