3.Once the call is complete, you’re returned to the voicemail main menu.
Voicemail-to-Voicemail Message
Record and send a voice message to other STi Mobile voicemail users.
1.From the main voicemail menu, press 2 to send a message.
2.Follow the voice prompts to enter the phone number.
3.Follow the voice prompts to record and send your voice message.
Voicemail-to-Voicemail Message Reply
Reply to a voice message received from any other STi Mobile voicemail user.
1.After listening to a voice message, press 2.
2.Follow the voice prompts to record and send your reply.
Voicemail-to-Voicemail Receipt Request
Receive confirmation that your voice message has been listened to when you send, forward or reply to other STi Mobile users.
1.After you have recorded a message, press 1to indicate you are satisfied with the message you recorded.
2.Press 4 to mark receipt requested.
3.Press 1 to send your voicemail message.
Continue Recording
_ Before pressing 1 to indicate you are satisfied with the message you recorded, press 4 to continue recording.
Clearing the Message Icon
Your phone may temporarily continue to display the message icon after you have checked your voice messages. To clear the icon from the display screen:
1.From the main menu, highlight Voicemail and press OK.
2.Highlight Clear Count and press OK.
3.A confirmation prompt will display. Highlight Yes and press OK.
Voicemail Menu Key
1 Envelope Information
2 Send a Reply Message
3 Advance 8 Seconds
4 Rewind to Start
7 Erase Message
8 Callback/Place Call
9 Save Message
2 Send a Message
3 Personal Options
1 Notification Options
1 Phone Notification
2 Numeric Paging to a STi Mobile Phone
*Shift Return to Personal Options Menu 2 Administrative Options
1 Skip Passcode
3Message Date & Time On/Off 4Change Passcode
*Shift Return to Personal Options Menu 3Greetings
1Personal Greetings Recorded Name
*Shift Return to Personal Options Menu 8 Place a Call
*Shift Exit Voicemail Menu