Internet Radio
Internet Radio - the basics
BeforeyoucanuseyourinternetradiotolistentobroadcastsviatheInternet, it is necessary to have connected it to your computer network using either the wireless (WiFi) connection or the wired Ethernet connection
There are literally many thousands of radio broadcasts available via the Internet as well as 'Podcasts'.Your radio provides several ways of searching for broadcasts in order to make fi nding and choosing them easier. Once you have found radio stations which you like, you may add them to a list of your favourite stations which your radio can access. You can store as many favourites as you like.
You may search for an internet radio station by Location. If you know the name of the station and the country from which a station is broadcast this may be the easiest method to fi nd a station. It is also a great way to experience radio from other parts of the world.
You may also search for an internet radio station by Genre. If you prefer a particular type of music, Blues for example, you may search for a radio station that broadcasts that type of music, and you can choose from a list of Blues radio stations regardless of location, or taking location into account.
If you know part of the name of an internet radio station, you can enter it into the radio and it will search for stations that match that name. This can be helpful if you are unsure of the location or genre of a particular station.
The ColourStream radio connects to a radio station database which serves many users in many countries. This means that there is a very wide range of programme content available. You can also search for stations which have been recently added to those available (new stations) or you can search for the most popular.
If your radio cannot connect to a radio station
Note: If your radio is unable to connect to an internet radio station it will generally either display 'Network Error' or 'Stopped'. This can be for many reasons, but typically will be due to one of the following:
The radio station may not be broadcasting at the present time.
The radio station may not be able to accommodate any more connections from internet listeners.
The broadcaster may limit listening to specifi c countries or regions
There may be network congestion (either locally or at a distance) which is affecting the reliability of the connection.
If your radio can connect, but the audio is not continuous and the radio keeps having to reconnect, this may be due to the radio station only having limited connection capacity.
Please also refer to the Troubleshooting section on page 87.