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Last.fm - the basics
Last.fm is an
Before you can use Last.fm with your radio, you will need to have created an account at the Last.fm web site. You can then start to listen to radio stations initially based on particular artists or tags/genres.
Last.fm is available on various platforms and computer media players. Any personalisations that you make to your account from one platform are refl ected on the others.
Last.fm has a strong emphasis on interaction with other listeners, sharing your favourite music and exploring other users’ playlists and stations, both directly, and through social networking sites.There are also privacy options that you can apply to your account using the Last.fm web site.
Scrobbling and Love / Ban features
Scrobbling is the method that Last.fm uses to learn about your listening habits. Your radio can ‘scrobble’ the tracks that you listened to using the UPnP Music Player and Last.fm modes. This sends track names to Last.fm, adding them to your Last.fm library, and helps the service to tailor its future recommendations to your musical tastes.
Using two dedicated buttons on the radio, you can tell Last.fm that you love particular tracks, or you can ban a track from ever being played again. This also infl uences the tracks you are offered in the future.
User accounts
In order to use the Last.fm service with your radio, you must either create a Last.fm account or already have one set up. This account keeps track of your musical preferences and listening choices and is what makes the music offered by Last.fm personal to you. Setting up an account is simple and is done via the Last.fm web site. You then enter the account details into your radio (see the following pages).
The radio allows more than one set of Last.fm account details to be entered. If the unit is used by more than one person, it is possible to choose which account is used when listening to Last.fm and for scrobbling from the Music Player.
The features of the Last.fm service are only available on the radio with a subscription to Last.fm. This may differ from the range of features available when accessing the Last.fm service from a computer or any other device. The provision of the Last.fm service and the features offered with and without subscription are subject to terms and conditions set out on the Last.fm web site.
Your Roberts ColourStream radio offers you a subscription level account with Last.fm for a limited trial period. You may optionally extend this using the subscription facility via the Last.fm web site at www.last.fm.
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on 020 8758 0338 | 46 |