To start using the 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL, stand on the foot pedals, grasp the handlebars, move your highest foot forward and follow the natural path of the machine.
CAUTION: Do not use handlebars for upper body strength training.
Start at a load level that is comfortable to familiarize yourself with the machine. Once you are comfortable start adjusting the load level to achieve the workout desired.
Load Level Adjustment
The load level of 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL can be changed at any time during your workout. Adjusting the load level will allow you to increase or decrease your intensity level.
Forward and Reverse
The 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL can be used in the forward and reverse direction to vary the muscles that you work out. This will also vary your workout helping you to stay motivated. To change directions, simply slow the pedals down until they stop and switch directions.
1.To store the 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL simply keep it in a clean dry place.
2.The min. rest dimesions of 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL are approximately 57 1/2" long x 24 3/4" wide x 64 3/4" tall. These dimensions may vary. Please measure your 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL if exact dimensions are needed.
3.The 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL has a pair of MOVING WHEELS(54) built into the REAR STABILIZER(2) at the back. Grasp the FRONT STABILIZER and tip the 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL backward to move.
The safety and integrity designed into the 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL can only be maintained when the 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL is regularly examined for damage and wear. Special attention should be given to the following:
1.Use the "
" buttons on the COMPUTER(36) to select a program and verify that the Magnetic System provides different tensions. The Magnetic System should provide many years of use.
2.Verify that the Warning Label is in place and easy to read. Call Stamina Products immediately (1-800-375-7520) for a replacement Warning Label if the Warning Label is missing or damaged.
3.It is the sole responsibility of the user/owner to ensure that regular maintenance is performed.
4.Verify that all nuts and bolts are present and properly tightened. Replace missing nuts and bolts. Tighten loose nuts and bolts.
5.Replace worn or damaged components immediately and discontinue using the 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL until the repair is made.
6.Only Stamina Products supplied components shall be used to maintain/repair the 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL.
7.Keep your 55-1779 ELLIPTICAL clean by wiping with an absorbent cloth after use.