then press the OK button and the TAG MASTER will assign you to the team with the fewest players, in order to keep the teams even.
NOTE: The team you are assigned to may be different from the team you requested. The TAG MASTER will attempt to honor all team requests, but it cannot assign more than 8 players to any given team. Players should discuss who will be on which team, before game is set up by the TAG MASTER.
6.When the Joiner enters the game the LCD screen will display “IN!” as well as your Team and Player number.
7.Once all players have joined a team and game, the TAG MASTER will enter the
this game.
8.Once your screen starts the
countdown reaches
The game ends and the debriefing process begins when the game timer runs out. If you are tagged out before the game ends, your TAGGER will continuously display “WAIT FOR GAME OVER” alternating with the time left until the game ends.
When the game ends, your TAGGER will display “GAME OVER” and then constantly prompt you to “FIND HOST.” You now have 2 minutes to return your TAGGER to the TAG MASTER in order to be debriefed. You must then remain within 10 feet of the TAG MASTER until the Debriefing process is complete in order to receive your ranking. Because of the
During the debriefing process, the TAG MASTER’s screen will prompt the TAG MASTER to “FIND” each of the other players in turn, waiting approximately 3 seconds to contact each of the Player TAGGER units. If that Player TAGGER is present, the TAG MASTER will automatically download all the score information from that Player TAGGER and will use it to calculate how that