Hasbro 71094 Classic Lazer TAG Ltag, They wish Preset game features are, Custom Lazer TAG Cust

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The object of this game is to be the last player not tagged out. It is an aggressive, go-get-em type of game.

In the Classic LAZER TAG game, all other players are your opponents. [TAG09]

Of all the games you can choose to play, Classic LAZER TAG is the only game that has no hosting or joining at the beginning of the game, no debriefing, ranking, or head-to-head comparisons at the end of the game, and has unlimited time to complete the game. Also, players may enter or leave the game at any time as

they wish.

Preset game features are:

No Hosting, game starts immediately at T-10

No Teams or Player ID’s

Any number of players may play

15 seconds of Shield time allowed

Unlimited Reloads

12 Mega-Tags

Players are tagged out after taking 10 Tags

No score ranking – last player NOT tagged out wins.

After being tagged out, a player’s elapsed time in the game (from the start of the game to the time at which the player is tagged out) is displayed on your LCD screen.


The object of this game is to be the last player not tagged out, while scoring as many tags against your opponents as possible.

In the Custom LAZER TAG game, all other players are your opponents. [TAG01]

This variation of Classic LAZER TAG allows all game options to be programmable.

Game features are:

Fully hosted, (requires hosting/joining) and supports post-game debriefing

2-24 players may be in the game, players have individual ID’s

No Teams, All players are opponents of each other

Time – 1-99 minutes, (default =10 min)

Reloads – 0-99 or Unlimited (default =Unlimited)

Mega-Tags0-99 or Unlimited (default =10)

Shields – 0-99 seconds (default =15)

Tags – 1-99 (default =10)

Ranking is individual only

- Individual ranks are based on receiving 2 points per tag landed on other players, and losing 1 point for every time you’re tagged by another player.



The object of these games is to have the most number of your team’s players remain in the game, while scoring as many tags as possible on opposing players. [TAG80]


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Contents Deluxe 2 Player System Table of Contents Quick Start Guide Aim and get taggingBe the TAG Master Important Battery Information To Insert BatteriesTagger Right Side Tagger Left Side Tagger Rear View HUD Heads UP DisplayButtons LCD Screen Visual Confirmation SymbolsDisplays when there is an opposing player nearby Alert Icons Tagged, Locked-On, Scored, Danger Plug this end Connector Cable into HUD port on the Tagger StickersLazer TAG Headset SystemLazer TAG Code of Conduct Common to all Lazer TAG games are Lazer TAG Game FeaturesRule 5 Lazer TAG is a Team Sport Page Medic Mode Is completedProgrammable Games Be the TAG MasterTo Host a Game of Lazer TAG Game options to choose fromPage To Join a Game of Lazer TAG Turn your Tagger on by pressing the TriggerThis game END of Game Debriefing and ScoringEnding Games Early They wish Preset game features are Game features areClassic Lazer TAG Ltag Custom Lazer TAG CustHide and Seek Hdsk Kings 3KNG Hunt the Prey HuntKings 2KNG Zone Games OWN the Zone Ownz Teams OWN the Zone 2TOZ Teams OWN the Zone 3TOZ FCC Statement