Hasbro 71094 manual Hide and Seek Hdsk

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In these games, some of the other players are on the same team as you, while others are on one or two opposing teams. It is important that you work with your teammates in order to achieve a high team ranking. Do this by helping to protect any of your teammates who are in danger of being tagged out, and working with your teammates to tag the opposing players out as quickly as possible.

Game features are:

Fully hosted, (requires hosting/joining) and supports post-game debriefing

2 or 3 teams of up to 8 players per team

Team Tags (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =Y)

Medic Mode (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =Y)

Time – 1-99 minutes, (default =15 min)

Reloads – 0-99 or Unlimited (default =Unlimited)

Mega-Tags0-99 or Unlimited (default =10)

Shields – 0-99 seconds (default =15)

Tags – 1-99 (default =20)

Ranking is individual and team

-Individual ranks are based on receiving 2 points per tag landed on players from other teams, and losing 1 point for every time you’re tagged by a player from another team. Tagging your own teammate (Team Tags) costs you 2 points. Being tagged by your own teammates does not hurt your score.

-Team ranks are based on which team has the most players not tagged out when the game ends (this gives an advantage to larger teams, so less-skilled players can be grouped together on a larger team to even things out). In the event of a tie, the TAG MASTER will attempt to break the tie based on the

individual scores of the players on each team who did not get tagged out – this rewards the team with the more aggressive players that land more tags. Just hiding or trying to not get tagged may cost your team valuable points that could affect your team’s ranking.


The object of this game is to score as many tags as possible on the other team while seeking them, and avoid taking tags while hiding from them. [TAG06]

Players are divided into two teams. At any given time, one team is seeking while the other team is hiding. The teams switch between seeking and hiding every 60 seconds. When the switch happens, each TAGGER will then display “HIDE” or “SEEK” for 5 seconds to tell the player which mode they are in. When a seeking player tags a hiding player it scores points for the seeking player and his/her team. If a hiding player tags a seeking player, it helps the seeking player by giving him/her one more tag he/she can take until he/she is tagged out.

Game features are:

Fully hosted, (requires hosting/joining) and supports post-game debriefing

2 teams of up to 8 players per team

Team Tags (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =Y)

Medic Mode (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =Y)

Time – 2-98 minutes (minutes in multiples of 2), (default =10 min)


Image 21 Hasbro 71094 manual Hide and Seek Hdsk
Contents Deluxe 2 Player System Table of Contents Aim and get tagging Quick Start GuideBe the TAG Master To Insert Batteries Important Battery InformationTagger Left Side Tagger Rear View HUD Heads UP Display Tagger Right SideLCD Screen Visual Confirmation Symbols Displays when there is an opposing player nearbyButtons Alert Icons Tagged, Locked-On, Scored, Danger Stickers Plug this end Connector Cable into HUD port on the TaggerHeadset System Lazer TAG Code of ConductLazer TAG Lazer TAG Game Features Rule 5 Lazer TAG is a Team SportCommon to all Lazer TAG games are Page Is completed Medic ModeBe the TAG Master Programmable GamesGame options to choose from To Host a Game of Lazer TAGPage Turn your Tagger on by pressing the Trigger To Join a Game of Lazer TAGEND of Game Debriefing and Scoring This gameEnding Games Early Game features are They wish Preset game features areClassic Lazer TAG Ltag Custom Lazer TAG CustHide and Seek Hdsk Hunt the Prey Hunt Kings 2KNGKings 3KNG Zone Games OWN the Zone Ownz Teams OWN the Zone 2TOZ Teams OWN the Zone 3TOZ FCC Statement