Set Sag:
-Proper sag will be achieved with one turn of preload on the spring. More then two turns of preload will require a higher spring rate or not enough sag will require a softer spring rate.
-See spring rate chart for additional information or refer to the Fox shock manual.
-Recommended sag: 30 - 35% of shock stroke.
Demo 8 sag: 21mm - 24mm
Adjust Rebound:
Rebound damping controls the rate at which the shock returns after it has been compressed.
-Clockwise for slower rebound (slow speed, bigger hits).
Adjust IFP (Boost Valve) (fig.1):
The IFP (Internal Floating Piston) sets up the overall compression platform damping.
Pressure range of IFP: 75 to 200 PSI.
-Higher pressure
-Lower pressure
Set ProPedal (fig.1):
ProPedal affects the first part of the compression stroke (slow speed) and controls rider induced suspension bob.
- Clockwise increases ProPedal (more efficient pedaling).
-Clockwise makes shock more progressive at end of stroke (more bottom control).
TIPS:- Do not ride or cycle the DHX shock with less then 75 psi in the IFP (Internal Floating Piston. Ensure that the shock reservoir is in the correct position for the desired angles. Failure to follow these points could damage the shock requiring repairs that are NOT covered under warranty.