Image IMTL07905.0 user manual Inspect and properly tighten all parts

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22. When using CDs and videos, an

25. Inspect and properly tighten all parts of the

electronic “chirping” sound will alert you


treadmill regularly.

when the speed and/or incline of the treadmill

26. Never insert any object into any opening.

is about to change. Always listen for the

cline changes. In some instances, the speed


DANGER: Always unplug the power

“chirp” and be prepared for speed and/or in-


cord immediately after use, before cleaning the

and/or incline may change before the per-


sonal trainer describes the change.


treadmill, and before performing the mainte-

23. When using CDs and videos, you can


nance and adjustment procedures described in


this manual. Never remove the motor hood un-

manually override the speed and incline set-


less instructed to do so by an authorized ser-

tings at any time by pressing the speed and in-


vice representative. Servicing other than the

cline buttons. However, when the next “chirp”


procedures in this manual should be performed

is heard, the speed and/or incline will change


by an authorized service representative only.

to the next settings of the CD or video program.

28. This treadmill is intended for in-home use

24. Always remove CDs and videos from


only. Do not use this treadmill in a commer-

your CD player or VCR when you are not


cial, rental, or institutional setting.

using them.



WARNING: Before beginning this or any exercise program, consult your physician. This is specially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. Read all instructions before using. ICON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained by or through the use of this product.


The decals shown here have been placed on the treadmill. If a decal is missing, or if it is not legible, please call our Customer Service Department, toll-free, and order a free re- placement decal (see the front cover of this manual). Apply the decal in the location shown.


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Contents QUESTIONS? Model No. IMTL07905.0 Serial NoTable of Contents Important Precautions Treadmill OperationInspect and properly tighten all parts Right Side Before YOU BeginBack Assembly Assembly requires the included allen wrenchesWire cutters Make sure that the power cord is unplugged9980 107 Wire 108 Cylinder HOW to Plug in the Power Cord Operation and AdjustmentPRE-LUBRICATED Walking Belt Console Diagram Features of the ConsoleHOW to Turn on the Power HOW to USE the Manual ModeMeasure your heart rate if desired When you are finished exercising, remove the keyTurn on the fan if desired HOW to USE a Preset Program Select one of the preset programsHOW to USE a Pulse Program Select a pulse programEnter a maximum speed setting Enter your ageSelect one of the custom programs HOW to USE a Custom Program Audio Y-adapter Cable Headphones HOW to Connect Your Home Stereo HOW to Connect Your ComputerHOW to Connect Your VCR Press the Play button on your CD player or VCRMeasure your heart rate if desired Directly from OUR WEB Site Follow the on-line instructions to start the programInformation MODE/DEMO Mode Optional Chest Pulse SensorHOW to Fold and Move the Treadmill HOW to Move the TreadmillHOW to Lower the Treadmill for USE Troubleshooting Problem The power turns off during useView Problem The walking belt slows when walked on That the gap between the Magnet and the ReedTop Walking belt has shifted to the right, turnConditioning Guidelines Exercise IntensityWorkout Guidelines Exercise FrequencySuggested Stretches Part LIST-Model No. IMTL07905.0 Key No. Qty DescriptionKey No. Qty. Description Exploded DRAWING-Model No Exploded Limited Warranty HOW to Order Replacement PartsIcon Health & FITNESS, INC., 1500 S W., LOGAN, UT