LED Track/LED Matrix |
Note: If there is a thin sheet of plastic on the console, remove it.
CAUTION: Before operating the console, read the following precautions.
¥Do not stand on the walking belt when turning on the power or starting the walking belt.
¥Always wear the clip (see the drawing above) while operating the treadmill. If the key is pulled from the console, the walking belt will stop.
¥The treadmill is capable of high speeds. Adjust the speed in small increments.
¥The heart rate monitor is not a medical device. Various factors may affect the accu- racy of heart rate readings. The heart rate monitor is intended only as an exercise aid in determining heart rate trends in general.
¥If you have heart problems, or if you are over 60 years of age and have been inactive, do not use the HEART RATE programs. If you are taking medication regularly, consult your physician to find whether the medica- tion will affect your exercise heart rate.
¥To reduce the risk of electric shock, keep the console dry. Use a sealable water bottle.
The treadmill console offers an impressive array of features designed to make your workouts more effective.
When the console is in the manual mode, the speed and incline of the treadmill can be changed with a touch of a button. As you exercise, you can watch your progress on the LED ÒtrackÓ while the six displays provide continuous exercise feedback. Eight preset programs are also offered: three HEART RATE programs automatically control the speed and incline of the treadmill to keep your heart rate near predeter- mined settings, and five INCLINE programs automatically control the incline of the treadmill as they guide you through effective workouts. The console also features two CUSTOM programs that allow you to create your own programs and store them in the consoleÕs memory for future use.
To use the manual mode, follow the steps beginning on page 12. To use the HEART RATE programs, see page 15. To use the INCLINE programs, see page 17. To create a CUSTOM program, see page 19. To use a CUSTOM program, see page 20.
Note: The console can display speed and distance in either miles or kilometers (see Speed Display on page 13). For simplicity, all instructions in this userÕs manual refer to miles.