NordicTrack NTEL59010 user manual HOW to USE the Manual Mode

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should be blank


1 Turn on the console.

Note: The console requires four “D” batteries (not included). If you have not installed batteries, refer to step 5 on page 7 and install batteries.

To turn on the console, press any button or begin pedaling. Note: When the console is turned on, the resistance of the elliptical crosstrainer will automatically change to level 1, if it is not already at level 1.

2 Select the manual mode.

Each time the console is turned on, the

manual mode will be selected. If a preset pro- gram, a heart rate program,

or the mode has been selected, select the manual mode by pressing the Select Program button repeatedly until the upper right corner of the display is blank.

Note: Each time the resistance level changes, the console will show the resistance level for six sec- onds. When a preset program or a heart rate pro- gram is selected, the display will show the time remaining in the program instead of the elapsed time.

In addition, the left bar graph will appear in the dis- play to show your exercise pace. As you increase or decrease your pace, additional bars will appear or disappear in the bar graph.

If desired, you can select a single feedback mode for continuous display. Press the Display button repeatedly until only the MPH (or Km/H), Time, Resist., Cals., Miles (or Kms), or Watts indicator appears in the display. Make sure that the Scan indicator does not appear.

In addition, the training zone display will show the approximate

intensity level of

your exercise. For example, if three or four

indicators in the display are lit, the display shows that your intensity level is ideal for fat burning.

Note: The console can show speed and dis-


Begin exercising and adjust the resistance of

tance in either miles or kilometers. To change

3 the elliptical crosstrainer.

the unit of measurement, first hold down the




As you exercise, adjust the resistance of the

Start Program button for three seconds. An E


(for English miles) or an M (for metric kilome-


elliptical crosstrainer as desired by pressing the


ters) will appear in the display. To change the


Resistance buttons. There are ten resistance lev-


unit of measurement, press the + button. Then,


els; level 10 is the most challenging. Note: After


press the Start Program button again. When


the buttons are pressed, it will take a few sec-


the batteries are replaced, it may be necessary


onds for the selected setting to be reached.


to reselect the desired unit of measurement.




Follow your progress with the feedback modes,

5 Measure your heart rate if desired.


the left bar graph, and the training zone display.



As you exer-

Note: If there are thin sheets of plastic on the


metal contacts on the handgrip pulse sensor,


cise, the display


peel off the plastic.



will show your






current speed,

To use the hand-



the elapsed



grip pulse sen-


time, the cur-

sor, place your



rent resistance

hands on the



level, the



metal contacts.



approximate number of calories you have



Your palms must



burned, the distance that you have pedaled, and



be on the upper



your power output in watts. In addition, your heart



contacts and



rate will be shown when you use the handgrip



your fingers



pulse sensor (refer to step 5 at the right) or the



must be touching the lower contacts. Avoid


optional chest pulse sensor (refer to page 20).





Image 12
Contents QUESTIONS? Model No. NTEL59010 Serial NoCustomer HOT Line Table of Contents Important Precautions Before YOU Begin FrontBack Right Side Assembly Locknut the Incline Bracket must be able to pivot easily Page Installing the Receiver for the Optional Chest Pulse Sensor HOW to USE the Elliptical Crosstrainer Incline AdjustmentHOW to USE the Upper Body Arms HOW to Adjust the PedalsConsole Diagram Features of the Console Console Description Refer to the drawing onHOW to USE the Manual Mode HOW to USE a Preset Program Select one of the four preset programsBatteries Start the programHOW to USE a Heart Rate Program Select one of the two heart rate programsEnter your age Hold the handgrip pulse sensorAudio Adapter Cable Headphones HOW to Connect Your Portable Stereo HOW to Connect Your Home StereoAudio Cable HOW to Connect Your Computer HOW to Connect Your VCRPressVCR. the play button on your CD player or HOW to USE Programs Directly from OUR WEB Site Follow the on-line instructions to start ProgramReturn to the elliptical crosstrainer and begin Exercising Maintenance and Troubleshooting Conditioning Guidelines Exercise IntensityWorkout Guidelines Exercise FrequencyPart LIST-Model No. NTEL59010 Qty DescriptionNTEL59010No HOW to Order Replacement Parts Limited Warranty