A player may not move a commissioner to a district with a building stop marker (see more on this under “Building stop"). Instead, the player simply skips over the building stopped district (because of this, the path for a commissioner from starting space to Central Pa rk may be fewer than four turns).
The player may move the white commissioner to Central Pa rk or to "52nd St.West". Or, he may move the beige commissioner to "42nd St.West" or "Times Square".
a building stopped district can no longer be visited by a commissioner, but is skipped over by a passing commissioner
The businesses
the businesses
For the taking of a business tile from the supply row, the following applies:
the supply row consists of 8 sets of spaces, each of which has 2 or 3 spaces. From these, the current set is always the
As soon as the second to the last business is taken from a set, the player immediately takes the last business in the set and places it face up in the area below Central Park. Now, the next set to the right becomes the new current set.
players may only place businesses from the current set on building plots
when a player takes the second to the last business from a set, he immediately puts the last business in that set in the area
In other words:
when a player places the 2nd business on a building plot from a 3 set or the 1st business from a 2 set, he immediately places the last business (in each case) face up in the a rea below Central Pa rk.
At this time, the player puts the boutique on a building plot and places the gallery face up in the area below Central Pa rk. The player could, of course, h ave chosen the opposite way. fig.05
below Central Park
For the placing of a business tile on a building |
plot the following applies: |
A player may place a business tile on a ny empty |
building plot or on any building plot that has but |
one (identical or not) business. |
A player may never place a business on a |
building plot with 2 businesses or with one or |
more skyscrapers. |
Once a business has been placed, it remains in |
that place for the remainder of the game |
(exception: building stop). | A player may place a new perfume | |
| shop only on the brown or the gray | |
| building plot. | fig.06 |
Special scoring after the placing of certain businesses on building plots
Immediately after a player places the 3rd, 6th, or 9th business on a building plot (not the area below Central Park), there is a special scoring opportunity (these business numbers are also shown on the game board in the supply row):
zAfter the third business is placed on a building plot (that is, the first two sets are completely empty), each player immediately earns 4 victory points if he has at least 1 skyscraper in each of at least three different districts (not the area below Central Park). He moves his victory point marker 4 spaces forward.
a player may place a business on any empty building plot or on a building plot with only one business
special scoring:
zsets 1 + 2 empty:
4 VP for each player with at least 1 skyscraper in at least 3 different districts