Thank you for purchasing an Anchor product. In return, we pledge Quality, Service and Craftsmanship and are available for any questions you may have or assistance you may need.
Anchor products are of superior design and operate best within the parameters of these instructions. It is IMPERATIVE that the instructions be carefully read and COMPLETELY FOLLOWED. Please read installation instructions before the installation or removal of this product. Installation instructions are available at www.anchorinc.com.
1. For each installation, the installer is solely responsible for evaluating the site and the prop- er securing method determined. Some soils require different staking or securing than that provided with the tent. Due to this variety of soil conditions, these are the manufacturer’s suggested sequence of installation procedures. Anchor’s responsibility is limited to the con- struction of the tent. We are not responsible for methods that installers may choose to secure the tent to the ground.
2. Inasmuch as the weather is unpredictable, good judgment and common sense must be incorporated within installation guidelines. It is the responsibility of the tent Installer/maintain- er to determine the severity of the weather, proper time and method of installation and/or erection and disassembly.
The structure has been manufactured to meet code requirements. For the safety of all occu- pants, evacuation is recommended if inclement weather occurs, or if there is any doubt con- cerning the safe use of this product.
3. Proper safety equipment should be used at all times to insure a safe installation and take down. We suggest a careful evaluation be made to determine safety equipment needed, such as hard hats,
4. Anchor stands behind its products in accordance with its standard Terms and Conditions of sale. A copy of our Terms and Conditions of Sale can be obtained by contacting Anchor at the telephone number and/or address on this document.