1.To turn on the power, press the on/clear button or simply begin exercising on the AIR WALKER. The entire display will appear for two seconds. The electronic monitor will then be ready for operation.
2.Select one of the five modes:
Scan all modeÑWhen the power is turned on, the scan all mode will be selected automatically. The scan all mode can also be selected by repeatedly pressing the mode button. One mode indicator will show that the scan all mode has been selected, and a second mode indicator will show which mode is currently displayed.
Reps/min, reps, calories, or time modeÑThese modes can be individually selected by repeatedly pressing the mode button. The mode indicators will show which mode has been selected. (Make sure that the scan all mode is not selected.) The modes will be selected in the following order: reps/min, reps, calories, scan all, time.
3.The monitor has an
To reset the LCD display, press the on/clear button.
Inspect and tighten all parts of the AIR WALKER reg- ularly. Replace any worn parts immediately.
The AIR WALKER can be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth. Keep liquids away from the electronic monitor. Keep the monitor out of direct sunlight or the display may be damaged. Remove the batteries when storing the AIR WALKER.
See figure 3. Make sure that the reed switch wire is plugged into the monitor; insert any excess wire into the console. Snap the monitor into the con- sole. Make sure that the wire is not pinched between the monitor and the console.
Fig. 3 |
| Monitor |
Reed Switch Wire
If the electronic monitor will not turn on, the batteries should be checked. Using a coin, pry up the front of the monitor and remove it from the console (see figure 1).
See figure 2. If there is a gap between the positive (+) ends of the batteries and the metal contacts, the monitor will not turn on. Push the batteries to make sure that the posi- tive ends are touching the metal contacts.
Fig. 1 | Console |
Coin | Monitor |
| |
Fig. 2 | Metal Contact |
| Batteries |
Metal Contact | |
Back of Monitor |
If the electronic monitor still does not function proper- ly, the batteries should be replaced. Two ÒAAÓ batter- ies are required; alkaline batteries are recommended. Remove the two old batteries from the monitor, and insert two new batteries. Make sure that the nega- tive (Ð) ends of the batteries are touching the springs, and that the positive (+) ends of the bat- teries are pushed against the metal contacts.