JVC KD-BT22 Bit rate, Dia Audio, WMA files copy-protected with DRM, Constant, Channel 1 ch/2 ch

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AcestThis unitaparatcanpoateplayredabackfişiereles recordedînregistrateinînVBRformat(variableVBR (variable bit rate – rată de transfer variabilă).

bit rate).

În cazul acestor fişiere, apare o diferenţă între timpul scurs Files recorded in VBR have a discrepancy in the afişat şi cel real, acesta din urmă nefiind indicat. În mod elapsed time display, and do not show the actual particular, această diferenţă devine observabilă după elapsed time. In particular, this difference becomes efectuarea comenzii de căutare.

noticeable after performing the search function.

• Acest aparat nu poate reda următoarele tipuri de fişiere:

• This unit cannot play back the following files: - fişiere MP3 codate în format MP3i şi MP3 PRO.

– MP3 files encoded in MP3i and MP3 PRO format. - fişiere MP3 codate într-un format neadecvat.

– MP3 files encoded in an inappropriate format. - fişiere MP3 codate în format Layer 1/2.

-fişiereMP3 filesWMAencodcodatedînwithformatLayerfără1/2pierderi,. profesional şi

voceWMA.files encoded in lossless, professional, and

-fişiervoiceWMAformatcare. nu au ca bază programul Windows

Media®WMA filesAudiowhich. are not based upon Windows

-fişiere WMA protejate contra copierii ilegale prin tehnica

M dia® Audio.


– WMA files copy-protected with DRM.

- fişiere care conţin date în format AIFF, ATRAC3 etc.

– Files which have data such as AIFF, ATRAC3, etc.

• Funcţia de căutare este operaţională, dar viteza de căutare

• The search function works but search speed is not nu este constantă.


Redarea pieselor MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV de către un Playing MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV tracks from a dispozitiv USB

USBLa conectareadevice unui dispozitiv USB, sursa de redare se

schimbă automat la„USB.”

• Connecting a USB device automatically changes the

• În cursul redării de pe un dispozitiv USB, ordinea de redare source to “USB.”

poate să difere faţă de cea a altor playere.

• While playing from a USB device, the playback order

• Unele dispozitive USB sau unele fişiere nu vor putea fi may differ from the one from other players.

redate de către acest aparat, datorită caracteristicilor lor sau

• This unit may be unable to play back some USB a condiţiilor de înregistrare.

devices or some files due to their characteristics or

• În funcţie de forma dispozitivelor USB şi a porturilor de recording conditions.

conectare, este posibil ca unele dispozitive USB să nu

seDependingataşeze corespunzătoron the shapesauofcathel găturaUSB devfizicăesdintreand dispozitivconnectionşi apoaratts,somefie instabilă.USB devices may not be

• Pentruattachedconectarpropearlyunuior thedispozitivconnectionUSB demightstocarebeînloose.

masă,Whencitiţi,connectingde asemenea,USBşimainsstrucţiunilestorage classde utilizaredevice,ale acestuiarefer also. to its instructions.

• La conectarea prin cablu USB, utilizaţi un cablu USB 2.0.

• When connecting with a USB cable, use the USB 2.0

• Pentru fiecare conectare la aparat, utilizaţi un singur cable.

dispozitiv USB de stocare în masă. Nu utilizaţi un hub USB.

• Connect one USB mass storage class device to the unit

• Puteţi conecta la acest aparat două tipuri de dispozitive at a time. Do not use a USB hub.

USB — dispozitive MTP şi dispozitive de stocare în masă.

• You can connect two types of USB device to this Prin conectarea la acest aparat a unui dispozitiv MTP cu unit—MTP device and Mass storage class device. aplicaţie„USB digital media streaming”, puteţi reda fişiere If you connect an MTP device featuring “USB digital WMA-DRM10 (Digital Right Management) achiziţionate

prinmediamagazinestreaming”de distribuţieto this unit,online.you can play back the WMA-DRM10 (Digital Right Management) files

purchased through the music distributing web sites, through this unit.

ThisAcestunitaparatis compatibleeste compatibilwithcutheinterfaţaUSB FullUSB-SpeedFull-Speed. .

• În cazul în care dispozitivul USB conectat nu conţine fişiere

• If the connected USB device does not have the correct

compatibile, este afişat mesajul„No File” (Niciun fişier). files, “No File” appears.

• Acest aparat poate afişa elementele de identificare

• This unit can show ID3 Tag (Version 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, (versiunea 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3 sau 2.4) pentru fişierele MP3 şi or 2.4) for MP3 and WMA/AAC/WAV Tag.

pentru fişierele WMA/AAC/WAV.

• This unit can play back MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV files

• Acest aparat poate reda fişiere în format MP3/WMA/AAC/ meeting the conditions below:

WAV, în cazul în care sunt îndeplinite condiţiile de mai jos: MP3:


– Bit ratde: 32 kbps — 320 kbps (MPEG-1)

- Rată transfer: 32 kbps — 320 kbps (MPEG-1)

8 kbps 8 kbps160 kbps(MPEG160 kbps-2) (MPEG-2)

- SamplingFrecvenţa defrequency:eşantionare: 48 kHz, 44,1 kHz, 32 kHz 48(pentrukHz, MPEG44.1 kHz,-1) 32 kHz (for MPEG-1)

24 kHz,, 22,05.05kHz,1616kHzkHz(pentru(for MPEGMPEG-2)-2)WMA:

- Rată de transfer: 5 kbps — 320 kbps

– Bit rate: 5 kbps — 320 kbps

- Frecvenţa de eşantionare: 8 kHz — 48 kHz

– Sampling frequency: 8 kHz — 48 kHz

- Canal: 1 ch/2 ch

– Channel: 1 ch/2 ch AAC:


- Rată de transfer: 16 kbps — 320 kbps

– Bit rate: 16 kbps — 320 kbps

- Frecvenţa de eşantionare: 48 kHz, 44,1 kHz

– Sampling frequency: 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz

- Canal: 1 ch/2 ch

– Channel: 1 ch/2 ch WAV:

WAV:- Rată de transfer: PCM linear la 705 kbps şi 1 411 kbps

-BitFrecvenţarate: Linearde eşantionare:PCM 70544,1kbpskHzand 1 411 kbps

-SCamplingnal: 1 ch/2frequency:ch 44.1 kHz

• Acest aparat poate reda fişiere MP3 înregistrate în format


– Channel: 1 ch/2 ch

VBR (variable bit rate – ratã de transfer variabilã).

This unit can play back MP3 files recorded in VBR

• Numărul maxim de caractere pentru denumirile


(variable bit rate).

directoarelor şi fişierelor este de 25 de caractere; 128 de

The maximum number of characters for folder and


caractere pentru elementele de identificare MP3/WMA/


file names is 25 characters; 128 characters for MP3/






• Acest aparat poate recunoaşte în total 20.000 de fişiere şi

This unit can recognize a total of 20 000 files and


2.000 de directoare (999 de fişiere per director). Totuşi, pe


2 000 folders (999 files per folder). However, the


afişaj pot apărea până la 9 999 de directoare/fişiere.


display can shows until 9 999 folders/files.

• Acest aparat nu poate recunoaşte un dispozitiv USB de

The unit cannot recognize USB mass storage class


stocare în masă cu altă valoare decât cea de 5 V şi care


devicedepăşeştewhose500 ratingmA. is other than 5 V and exceeds


USB prevăzute cu funcţii speciale cum sunt

USBfuncţiiledevicesprotejareequippeda informaţiilorwith specialnufunctionssunt compatibilesuch as cu


această unitate.


data secur y functions cannot be used with the unit.


dispozitive USB cu singură partiţie.

Do not usenumaiUSB device with 2 or more partitions.

• Este posibil ca acest aparat să nu recunoască un dispozitiv

This unit may not recognized a USB device connected


USB conectat printr-un cititor de carduri USB.


through a USB card reader.

• În cazul în care utilizaţi un cablu de extensie USB, este

This unit may not play back files in a USB device


posibil ca redarea fişierelor dintr-un dispozitiv USB să nu fie

properly when using a USB extension cord. corespunzătoare.


Image 42
Contents KD-BT22 Page Español Declaraţia de Conformitate cu Directiva R&TTE 1999/5/CEDansk ΕλληνικήInstruments Temperature inside the carQualified service personnel Normal before operating the unitŢineţi Apăsat CumHowsătoresetaţiyouraparatulunitVolanuluiremote control. function CumHowsătoejectaţiforciblyforţatejectunadiscBlurred ¢ buttons, 5/∞buttons,MODE, to operate the FM tuner AtenţieCautionSet the clock Pregătire ParationPe afişaj Setaţi oraBasicOperaţiioperationsde bază = BT-AUDIO =AUX in =back to the beginningDecreases, replace the battery Connected to KS-PD100Connected to the USB cable When an FM stereo broadcast is SelectaţiTUN„TUNER Selectaţithebanda.ndsStehareod tosereceiverealizează cu dificultate Buttons on the left column FM bandButton Also appear go to stepStation is tuned WhenButton 5 or 6 repeatedly Number buttonIeşire din setare TA Standby ReceptionAny source other than AM Informaţiilor rutiereStep Goes off Providing the RDS signalsOther than AM 01areas- 0501Repeat Folder To stop play and eject the discRepet t Track Random DiscNumber button 5 or Electing a folder/track on the listStarts StartPress Source to listen to another playback source. redare Safety drivingBeginning Rear of the unitFeatures Bluetooth devicePersonalcode to theîn aparatunit Digit number. InitialPerform steps 1 and 2 on page 16, then Ştergeţi selecţiaBluetooth Iniţierea unui apel telefonicUnit Button except When a SMS comesYou can adjust the microphone volume level see pagina Incoming callPresetarea numerelor de telefon To callapelareapreset numberCellular phone Repetareat Trackpiesei Bluetooth InformationSelectaţiBT--AUDIO Repeat GroupElectaţiCD-CH Selectaţi disc to start playingStronger SelectaţiDABListening Pe afişajappearsapare on the. displayUsing the number buttons Memorarea serviciilor DABReception While receiving an FM RDS station While receiving a DAB serviceAnnouncement types To deactivate the Alternative FrequencyWhile listening to an ensemble that supports DLS ListeningFuncţionareato theiPodiPod-uluiSelectaţia track You can control playback from the unitMenu Controlul redării prin intermediul aparatuluiOperation SelectionRandom Song SelectaţiEXT I or UXRandom Album Line Input Adapter, KS-U57Sound mode Enter sound mode settingSelectaţia preset sound mode SelectaţiOn95Hz Off62Hz Sound level100 Hz 320 Hz 10 kHzOff Selectaţia PSMo opţiuneitem.PSMTting, reference LevelMeterAuto Setting, reference12Hours Scroll*2 OnceWide TA Vol VolumeIf Band ChangerSetting the time for dimmer Setarea intervalului pentruSchimbarea culorii afişajului SetărileBluetoothBluetooths tings Yes Initialize Auto AnswerPhoneBook AddressGeneral Turning on the powerOperaţii de bază Stations are stored anewPlaying a CD-R or CD-RW WMA files copy-protected with DRM Bit rateDia Audio ConstantConnection Error IPodPlease Wait Song order displayed on the selection menu of aparat While connecting an iPod with VideoAvailable characters Not stableChange the disc ÎndrumarTroubleshootingde depanareLevel Romeo, or JolietRemedies/Causes Dispozitivul USB Bluetooth Simptome Bluetooth. cellular phoneBluetooth audio player AgainReset the unit ee p ge Press the reset button of the CD changerReset the unit see Update the firmware versionÎntreţinereaMaintenance CondensulDateSpecificationstehnice Service Area 10 m Signal-to-Noise Ratio 98 dBPower Class Power RequirementConsultaţi pagina „Resetarea aparatului

KD-BT22 specifications

The JVC KD-BT22 is an advanced car receiver that combines modern technology with user-friendly features, making it an attractive option for anyone seeking to enhance their in-car audio experience. Designed for both convenience and performance, the KD-BT22 caters to a variety of audio preferences and connectivity needs.

One of the standout features of the KD-BT22 is its built-in Bluetooth capabilities. This technology allows for seamless wireless audio streaming from your smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. The convenience of hands-free calling is also a significant advantage, allowing drivers to stay connected without diverting their attention from the road. The Bluetooth pairing process is straightforward, ensuring that users can swiftly connect their devices for an uninterrupted listening experience.

The KD-BT22 boasts a user-friendly 13-digit LCD display, which provides clear visibility of track information, caller ID, and system settings. This design ensures that users can easily navigate through their music and manage calls without distractions. Additionally, the display is designed to be bright and easily readable, even in varying lighting conditions.

Audio performance is another highlight of the KD-BT22. The receiver supports multiple audio file formats, including MP3, WMA, and AAC, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of digital music libraries. The built-in 50 watts x 4 channel power output delivers robust sound quality, while a 3-band parametric equalizer allows users to customize their audio settings to their preferences. This level of customization ensures that whether you prefer deep bass, clear vocals, or balanced sound, the KD-BT22 can accommodate.

For those who prefer traditional media, the KD-BT22 is equipped with a USB port and an auxiliary input. The USB port supports playback of music files directly from USB drives, while the auxiliary input allows for connectivity to non-Bluetooth devices. This versatility ensures that users can access their music in the manner most convenient to them.

The JVC KD-BT22 also provides compatibility with various smartphone applications. For instance, it works well with apps like Spotify and Pandora, allowing users to access their favorite streaming services directly through the receiver. This feature further enhances the overall music experience, making it easier than ever to enjoy a personalized playlist.

In summary, the JVC KD-BT22 stands out in the competitive landscape of car receivers, combining essential features like Bluetooth connectivity, a clear display, customizable audio settings, and support for multiple media formats. Its user-friendly design and versatile compatibility make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their car audio system.