JVC KD-BT22 manual Available characters, While connecting an iPod with Video, Not stable

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ActualizaţiUpdate youriPodiPod-ul cutoceathemlatesti nouăsoftwareversiuneverside oftwaren înaintebeforedeusinga-l utilizait withîmpreunăthis unitcu. acest aparat.

- Puteţi verifica versiunea de software din iPod în

– You can check the software version of your iPod submeniul„About” (Despre) din meniul„Setting” (Setări) under “About” in the “Setting” menu of the iPod. al iPod-ului.

– For details about updating your iPod, visit

- Pentru detalii cu privire la actualizarea iPod-ului, vizitaţi <http://www.apple.com>. <http://www.apple.com>.

• While the unit is being turned on, the iPod is charged

• Când aparatul este pornit, iPod-ul este încărcat prin through this unit.

intermediul acestui aparat.

• While connecting an iPod with Video:

• La conectarea iPod-ului cu funcţie Video:

-ImaginileNo videovideoshowsnuonsuntthedisponibileiPod’s dispelayafişajulor the

iPodexternal-ului saumonitorpe monitorul(only theexternaudio(estepartdisponibilăavailable)numai.

componentaIt is not possibleaudio)to. browse video files on the

- Nu“Video“este posibilămenu.accesarea(If you connectfişierelorthevideiPoddinduringmeniul „Video”the playback. (Dacă iPodor pausing-ul este conectatofvideoînfile,timpulresumingredării sau

când redarea video este întreruptă, redarea iniţială nu va playback will not work.)

fi reluată.)

• iPod shuffle and iPhone cannot be used with this

• Modelele iPod shuffle şi iPhone nu pot fi utilizate cu acest unit.


• You can control the iPod from this unit when “JVC” or

• Dacă după conectare pe afişajul iPod–ului apare„JVC” sau ” appears on the iPod display after connection. √, puteţi controla iPod-ul prin intermediul acestui

• The song order displayed on the selection menu of aparat.

this unit may differ from that of the iPod.

• Ordinea pieselor prezentată pe afişajul de selectare a acestui

If playback is stopped, select a track from the aparat poate diferi de cea din iPod.

Dacăselectionredareamenuesteoroprită,pressalegeţiBANDotopiesăplaydinbackmeniulthe samede selectaretrack againsau. apăsaţi BAND pentru redarea repetată a

aceleiaşiThe textpieseinformation. may not be displayed correctly:

Este– Someposibilcharactersca informaţiasuchînasformataccentedtext sălettersnu fiecannotfişatăbe corectshown. correctly on the display.

- Unele caractere, precum literele accentuate, nu vor putea

– Communication between the iPod and the unit is fi afişate corespunzător.

not stable.

- Comunicarea dintre iPod şi aparat nu este stabilă.

• If the text information includes more than

• Dacă informaţia în format text conţine mai mult de 16 16 characters, it scrolls on the display. This unit can caractere, aceasta se va derula pe afişaj. Pe afişajul acestui display up to 128 characters.

aparat pot apărea până la 128 de caractere.



LaWhenutilizareaoperatingunui iPod,an iPod,unelesoperaţiime operationspot să numayfie not efbectuateperformcorectd correctlysau în condiţiileor as intendeddorite. În. Inacestthiscaz,case, vizitaţivisit theurmătfollowingrul siteJVCJVC:web<http://wwwsite: <http://www.jvc.co.jp/ .jvc. english/car/co.jp/englisupport/ksh/car/sup-port/ksd100/index-pd100/index.html> .html>


Setarea„Au“Auto” settingo” pentrufor “Dimmer”atenuatorulmayintensităţiinot workluminoasecorrectly

(„DIMMER”) poate funcţiona necorespunzător în cazul on some vehicles, particularly on those having unor vehicule, mai cu seamă al celor prevăzute cu buton control dial for dimming.

de scădere a intensităţii luminoase. În acest caz, setaţi

In this case, change the “Dimmer” setting to any altă opţiune pentru„DIMMER”; nu setaţi la„AUTO.” other than “Auto.”

Dacă pentru funcţia„LCD Type” (Tip LCD) este setată

If “LCD Type” is set to “Auto,” the display pattern opţiunea„Auto,” modul afişajului va comuta la modul will change to the “Positive” or “Negative” pattern

„Positive” sau„Negative” în funcţie de setarea„Dimmer” depending on the “Dimmer” setting.

(Atenuatorul intensităţii luminoase).

If you change the “Amp Gain” setting from

Dacă schimbaţi setarea„AMP GAIN” (Amplificator) de

la“High„HIGHPWR”to(Putere“Low ridicată)PWR” whilela„LOWthePWR”volume(Putlerevel is scăzută)et higherîn timpthance“Volvolumeul30,”estethesetatunitla unautomaticallynivel mai ridicatchangesdecâtthetreaptavolume„Volumelevel to30”,“Volumeaparatul30va.”modifica automat volumul la nivelul„Volume 30”.

Available characters

Caractere disponibile

MajusculeUpper case


Numere şi simboluri

MicrosoftşiandWindowsWindowsMediaMediasunt fiearemărcieitherînregistrateregistered catrademarksatare, fie mărcior trademarksaparţinândofcompanieiMicrosoftMicrosoftCorp ration in

Corporation din Statele Unite ale Americii şi/sau din alte the United States and/or other countries.


The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by

Logotipul şi siglele Bluetooth sunt deţinute de Bluetooth the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks

SIG, Inc. şi orice utilizare a mărcii de către compania Victor by Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) is under

Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) se face sub licenţă. license. Other trademarks and trade names are those

Alte mărci înregistrate şi denumiri comerciale aparţin of their respective owners.

proprietarilor de drept.

iPod and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc.,

iPod şi iTunes sunt mărci înregistrate ale Apple Inc.,

înregistratăregistered inî Sthe.U.AU..şiS.înandalteotherţări. countries.


Image 44
Contents KD-BT22 Page Declaraţia de Conformitate cu Directiva R&TTE 1999/5/CE DanskEspañol ΕλληνικήTemperature inside the car Qualified service personnelInstruments Normal before operating the unitCumHowsătoresetaţiyouraparatulunit Volanuluiremote control. functionŢineţi Apăsat CumHowsătoejectaţiforciblyforţatejectunadisc¢ buttons, 5/∞buttons, MODE, to operate the FM tunerBlurred AtenţieCautionPregătire Paration Pe afişajSet the clock Setaţi oraBasicOperaţiioperationsde bază = BT-AUDIO =AUX in =back to the beginningConnected to the USB cable Decreases, replace the batteryConnected to KS-PD100 Stehareod tosereceiverealizează cu dificultate When an FM stereo broadcast isSelectaţiTUN„TUNER Selectaţithebanda.nds FM band ButtonButtons on the left column Also appear go to stepWhen Button 5 or 6 repeatedlyStation is tuned Number buttonTA Standby Reception Any source other than AMIeşire din setare Informaţiilor rutiereProviding the RDS signals Other than AMStep Goes off 01areas- 0501To stop play and eject the disc Repet t TrackRepeat Folder Random DiscElecting a folder/track on the list StartsNumber button 5 or StartSafety driving BeginningPress Source to listen to another playback source. redare Rear of the unitFeatures Bluetooth deviceDigit number. Initial Perform steps 1 and 2 on page 16, thenPersonalcode to theîn aparatunit Ştergeţi selecţiaUnit BluetoothIniţierea unui apel telefonic When a SMS comes You can adjust the microphone volume level see paginaButton except Incoming callCellular phone Presetarea numerelor de telefonTo callapelareapreset number Bluetooth Information SelectaţiBT--AUDIORepetareat Trackpiesei Repeat GroupElectaţiCD-CH Selectaţi disc to start playingSelectaţiDAB ListeningStronger Pe afişajappearsapare on the. displayReception Using the number buttonsMemorarea serviciilor DAB While receiving a DAB service Announcement typesWhile receiving an FM RDS station To deactivate the Alternative FrequencyListeningFuncţionareato theiPodiPod-ului Selectaţia trackWhile listening to an ensemble that supports DLS You can control playback from the unitControlul redării prin intermediul aparatului OperationMenu SelectionSelectaţiEXT I or UX Random AlbumRandom Song Line Input Adapter, KS-U57Enter sound mode setting Selectaţia preset sound modeSound mode SelectaţiOnOff 62Hz95Hz Sound level100 Hz 320 Hz 10 kHzSelectaţia PSMo opţiuneitem.PSM Tting, referenceOff LevelMeterSetting, reference 12HoursAuto Scroll*2 OnceTA Vol Volume If BandWide ChangerSchimbarea culorii afişajului Setting the time for dimmerSetarea intervalului pentru SetărileBluetoothBluetooths tings Auto Answer PhoneBookYes Initialize AddressTurning on the power Operaţii de bazăGeneral Stations are stored anewPlaying a CD-R or CD-RW Bit rate Dia AudioWMA files copy-protected with DRM ConstantPlease Wait Connection ErrorIPod While connecting an iPod with Video Available charactersSong order displayed on the selection menu of aparat Not stableÎndrumarTroubleshootingde depanare LevelChange the disc Romeo, or JolietRemedies/Causes Bluetooth. cellular phone Bluetooth audio playerDispozitivul USB Bluetooth Simptome AgainPress the reset button of the CD changer Reset the unit seeReset the unit ee p ge Update the firmware versionÎntreţinereaMaintenance CondensulDateSpecificationstehnice Signal-to-Noise Ratio 98 dB Power ClassService Area 10 m Power RequirementConsultaţi pagina „Resetarea aparatului

KD-BT22 specifications

The JVC KD-BT22 is an advanced car receiver that combines modern technology with user-friendly features, making it an attractive option for anyone seeking to enhance their in-car audio experience. Designed for both convenience and performance, the KD-BT22 caters to a variety of audio preferences and connectivity needs.

One of the standout features of the KD-BT22 is its built-in Bluetooth capabilities. This technology allows for seamless wireless audio streaming from your smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. The convenience of hands-free calling is also a significant advantage, allowing drivers to stay connected without diverting their attention from the road. The Bluetooth pairing process is straightforward, ensuring that users can swiftly connect their devices for an uninterrupted listening experience.

The KD-BT22 boasts a user-friendly 13-digit LCD display, which provides clear visibility of track information, caller ID, and system settings. This design ensures that users can easily navigate through their music and manage calls without distractions. Additionally, the display is designed to be bright and easily readable, even in varying lighting conditions.

Audio performance is another highlight of the KD-BT22. The receiver supports multiple audio file formats, including MP3, WMA, and AAC, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of digital music libraries. The built-in 50 watts x 4 channel power output delivers robust sound quality, while a 3-band parametric equalizer allows users to customize their audio settings to their preferences. This level of customization ensures that whether you prefer deep bass, clear vocals, or balanced sound, the KD-BT22 can accommodate.

For those who prefer traditional media, the KD-BT22 is equipped with a USB port and an auxiliary input. The USB port supports playback of music files directly from USB drives, while the auxiliary input allows for connectivity to non-Bluetooth devices. This versatility ensures that users can access their music in the manner most convenient to them.

The JVC KD-BT22 also provides compatibility with various smartphone applications. For instance, it works well with apps like Spotify and Pandora, allowing users to access their favorite streaming services directly through the receiver. This feature further enhances the overall music experience, making it easier than ever to enjoy a personalized playlist.

In summary, the JVC KD-BT22 stands out in the competitive landscape of car receivers, combining essential features like Bluetooth connectivity, a clear display, customizable audio settings, and support for multiple media formats. Its user-friendly design and versatile compatibility make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their car audio system.