8operating your washing machine electrolux water aid washing machine
Operating your washing machine
Dirt Level button
There are 3 dirt levels to choose from:
såHeavy for heavily soiled clothes eg. very dirty
work clothes and overalls
såMedium for everyday soiled items eg family clothes, sheets etc
såLight for lightly soiled clothes, just to freshen them up
The Dirt Level lets you have an influence on the wash time of the selected program.
Press the Dirt Level button if you want to increase or decrease the wash time.
For the same wash program, Heavy will have a longer wash time than Medium, and Medium a longer wash time than Light.
Water Level button
to choose the water level to be used for your wash.
You can select: Wkje sensing
or a manual water level så(IGH
Auto sensing is the default selection for each wash to help you save water.
tips and information
Do not overfill the washing machine. 7HENåCHOOSINGåAåMANUALåWATERåLEVELåUSEåONLYåTHEåAMOUNTå
of water you need for the wash load. If you are unsure what level to choose, select auto sensing and the machine will automatically fill with water to the correct level for you.
Auto sensing water level
Selecting the auto sensing water level option ensures you
will use just the right amount of water for the wash load. 7HENåYOUåSTARTåYOURåWASHåPROGRAMåTHEåMACHINEåWILLå
conduct a series of water fill and short agitations to determine the amount of water needed. will show in the digital display.
Digital display | followed | then program time | ||||
| shows | by | is shown. eg. | |||
sequence repeats until end of sensing
will disappear and automatically normal wash agitation will commence when there is sufficient water in the bowl. If you add more clothes to the washbowl after an auto sensing water level wash program has started, the machine will auto sense the new load and add extra water if needed. For auto water level, the amount of water the machine determines for a load is an optimised level. You can adjust the auto level to be a small amount above or below the optimised level if you consider the amount of water you normally get using the auto option is too high or too low. To do this, see ‘Customising the auto sensing water level’ on page 12.
agitation of washing has started, you can open the lid to
check the working water level in the washbowl. !FTERåOPENINGåTHEåLIDåTHEå7ATERå!IDåRECIRCULATIONåPUMPåWILLå
continue to run for 10 seconds. Check the water level being used for your wash during the time the pump is running.
If you do not close the lid after 10 seconds, the pump will stop and the water level in the washbowl will begin to drop. If the lid is left open, the water level can drop a maximum 100mm as water drains from the inner to the outer bowl. The level of water may then appear too low for your wash load, but closing the lid will start the recirculation pump and the water level will return to the working level, ie. rise by a maximum 100mm.
| 100mm |
Recirculation | Recirculation |
pump on | pump off |
If you are using program settings where the recirculation system is not active, the water level will not change when you open the lid.
Temp. button
Press the Temp. button to set the wash water temperature.
There are 5 temperatures to choose from: så(OT så4EMPERATUREåBETWEENåHOTåANDåWARM så7ARM så4EMPERATUREåBETWEENåWARMåANDåCOLD så#OLD
Press the Temp. button repeatedly until the temperature you want is highlighted with an indicator light.
A sensor in the machine measures incoming water temperatures and controls the entry of water to achieve the selected wash temperature. The hot and cold water valves may open together or independantly.
tips and information
så 9OUåMAYåBEåLIMITEDåINåYOURåWASHåTEMPERATUREåCHOICEå by the wash program selection made. For example, you will not be able to select hot water when the wool program is selected.
valve is capped off, you must select cold washes only, or the machine will sense the unavailability of hot for washes other than cold and shutdown. (Refer Installations instructions).
warm rinse.
så #OMPONENTSåINåTHEåWASHINGåMACHINEåAREåDESIGNEDåTOå be used with water no hotter than 70°C. You should have a temperature limiting valve fitted by a qualified plumber if your water supply is too hot.