16a guide to stain removal electrolux water aid washing machine
A guide to stain removal
| White cottons and linens | Washable coloured fabrics |
Ball point pen ink 3PONGEåWITHåMETHYLATEDåSPIRITå"LEACHåIFåREQUIRED | Same as for whites - use oxygen type bleach. | |
Beetroot | Rinse as soon as possible under cold water. | Same as for whites - use oxygen type bleach. |
Blood, meat juice, Cover area with meat tenderiser (msg). Apply warm water
egg (dry stain) TOåMAKEåAåPASTEå7AITååMINUTESå3PONGEåWITHåCOOLå water or with diluted bleach.
Same as for whites but select water temperature suitable to fabric - use oxygen type bleach.
Blood, meat juice, | Rinse in cold water. If stain remains, sprinkle with meat |
egg (fresh stain) | tenderiser (msg). Let stand for |
| water. |
Candle wax | Scrape off excess, place stain between clean white blotter |
| or several layers of facial tissue. Sponge with dry cleaning |
| fluid. If spot remains, bleach. |
Chewing gum | Rub with ice to harden. Scrape off excess with blunt knife. |
| Sponge with dry cleaning fluid. |
Chocolate | Soak in warm water with |
| lukewarm water. Use dry cleaning fluid (white spirits) to |
| remove any grease spots. |
(milk or cream) | Thoroughly rinse and dry. If a stain remains, sponge with |
| dry cleaning fluid. If stain remains, bleach. |
Coffee/tea | Pour boiling water through stain. |
(black), fruit juice, | "LEACHåIFåNECESSARY |
white wine |
Correcting fluid | Scrape off as much as possible. |
| Rub clean with paint thinner or white spirits. |
Same as for whites but select water temperature suitable to fabric - use oxygen type bleach.
Same as for whites - use oxygen type bleach.
Same as for whites.
Soak in warm water with
Same as for whites - use oxygen type bleach.
Soak or rinse in cold water or sponge with warm water and detergent. Use oxygen type bleach.
Same as for whites.
Cosmetics | Sponge with prewash stain remover, liquid detergent or | Same as for whites. |
| rub with soap. If greasy stain persists, soak in enzyme |
| product then wash. |
Curries | Soak/rinse in lukewarm water until a majority of the colour |
| is removed. Sponge with solvent to break down any |
| remaining fats and oils then wash. |
Fat/grease/oil | Sponge with dry cleaning fluid (white spirits). |
Fruit | Sponge with warm water and wash. |
Grass, | Sponge with methylated spirit. |
green vegetables | 7ASHåUSINGåWARMåWATER |
Same as for whites. Check for colour fastness before applying solvent.
Same as for whites.
Pour boiling water through stain. "LEACHåREMAININGåSTAIN
Same as for whites. Check colourfastness before applying methylated spirit. For acetate, sponge with dry cleaning fluid.
Ice cream, | Rinse or soak in cold water then wash. If ice cream | Same as for whites. |
cream milk | contains fruit or chocolate treat as such. |
Iron rust | Apply oxalic acid and place in sun. | Apply lemon juice and place in sun. |
Lipstick | Rub with lard and wash using hot water. | Rub with lard and wash using warm water. |
Mildew | |
| dry in sun. If stain persists, bleach. Old stains are hard to |
| remove. |
Same as for whites but select water temperature to suit fabric.
Nail polish | Sponge with dry cleaning fluid or nail polish remover. | Sponge with dry cleaning fluid. |
Paint (oil based) | Scrape off fresh paint. Soften dry paint with lard or oil, then | Same as for whites. |
| sponge with turpentine (turps). |
Red wine | Rub salt into the stain. Pour boiling water through stain. | Same as for whites. |
Scorch | Usually a permanent stain. | |
Tomato sauce | Soak in cool water for 10 minutes. Rub in liquid detergent | Same as for whites - use oxygen type bleach. |
| then wash. If stain persists, try dry cleaning fluid or bleach. |