6preparing for your wash electrolux water aid washing machine
siphon cap is pushed firmly down onto the spigot in the drawer. The softener will not siphon out if the cap is incorrectly fitted, is missing or blocked with residue. You are now ready to add fabric softener.
Measure the correct amount as recommended on the softener package into a cup and then pour it into the softener compartment of the dispenser drawer.
Do not overfill the fabric softener dispenser. Overfilling and then siphoning out too early can cause softener and detergent to mix resulting in staining problems. The softener dispenser holds 100ml when filled up to
the MAX marker. Any level lower than MAX will function correctly.
siphon cap pushed down
add fabric softener
Only use the detergent compartment for detergent and the fabric softener compartment for fabric softener.
MAX - Do not fill above this height
siphon cap
Add the detergent – Model 606
Measure the amount of detergent you will use and mix in one litre of hot or warm water.
Add the
Add fabric softener – Model 606
Measure the correct amount of fabric softener by following the recommendations on the package.
Mix softener with an equal amount of warm water but only mix enough to fill to the line marked inside the cup. The softener cup holds 75ml.
Pour the mixed softener into the cup in the top of the AGITATORå"EåCAREFULåNOTåTOåSPILLåSOFTENERåONåCLOTHESåINåTHEå
wash bowl as you pour it, as it may stain them.
Add bleach
add bleach here
Eno][djof[ÅThis is generally a powder type bleach. Mix the required quantity with water and pour down the hole in the top panel during the fill when there is some water in the washbowl. Refer to the instructions on the bleach container.
så Chlorine type – This type of bleach should not be mixed with detergent.
Mix the bleach with water as per instructions on the
container. Start to fill the washing machine with water. 7HENåTHEREåISåSOMEåWATERåINåTHEåWASHBOWLåPOURåTHEå
bleach solution down the hole in the top panel. Allow the washing machine to finish filling and to agitate for a few minutes, then let it stand for the required time. Advance machine to Spin to empty the washbowl, then wash the clothes load using detergent and your selected wash program.
tips and information
Bleach should not be used on silk, wool, rayon or drip dry clothes.