electrolux water aid washing machine operating your washing machine 9
Spin speed
Press the Spin button to change the spin speed. The indicator lights will show the speed that has been selected at each press of the button.
Recommended spin speeds are:
Drip dry
Drip dry clothes, that need to be taken out of the washing machine dripping wet, do not require a spin cycle after deep rinse.
To select Drip Dry:
(See “Rinse Option button” below)
At the end of deep rinse in your wash program, the washing machine will stop and will be shown in the digital display.
Open the lid and remove the drip dry clothes from the machine.
To drain the remaining water from the washing machine, simply close the lid and allow the cycle to complete.
If you have other non drip dry items remaining in the bowl,
Selecting spin only
You may want to only spin clothes eg. clothes you have washed and rinsed by hand in a wash tub, or for very wet clothes to remove water.
Press the Advance button until only the ‘Spin’ progress indicator light is ‘ON’ (blinking).
Press the Start/Pause button. The washing machine will pump any water out first and then start a spin cycle.
Rinse Option button
Pressing the Rinse Option button allows you to change the rinse type.
For most washes the machine automatically selects Eco rinse for you, but it will select deep rinse if you have already selected the wool wash program or drip dry, or your last wash was a drip dry with deep rinse.
Eco rinse
Press the Rinse Option pad until Eco rinse is illuminated in the progress indicator. The washing machine will go through a series of five pulse spray/spin cycles to remove the detergent laden water from the clothes.
Deep rinse
tips and information
så 7EåSTRONGLYåRECOMMENDåYOUåUSEå%COåRINSEåFORåYOURå washes whenever you can. There is considerable saving
of water when Eco is used instead of Deep to rinse CLOTHESåASåCANåBEåSEENåINåTHEå@7ATERå#ONSUMPTIONå
Comparison’ table shown on page iii.
så 9OUåCANNOTåSELECTå%COåRINSEåWITHåTHEå7OOLåWASHå program or Drip dry spin option. A long ‘error beep’ will
tell you this if you try to select Eco rinse for them. så %COåRINSEåISåNOTåDESIGNEDåTOåBEåUSEDåWITHåFABRICå
softener. Select Deep rinse if you are going to use fabric softener. Deep rinse ensures the fabric softener is correctly dispensed and thoroughly removed from your
clothes during rinsing.
så )FåYOURåCOLDåWATERåSUPPLYåPRESSUREåISåLOWå%COåRINSEå might not be fully effective in rinsing suds from your clothes. If this is the case then use Deep rinse. Note that you can save this option under your Favourite button if you wish. (Refer page 11.)
Start/Pause button
The Start/Pause button is used to start, stop or continue the wash program.
If you have started a wash program and wish to stop it for some reason, then press Start/ Pause.
If you press Start/Pause during a spin stage and you want to open the lid, you must wait until the Lid Locked light is ‘OFF’.
Lid Locked
The ‘Lid Locked’ indicator light will be ‘ON’ to advise you when the lid of the washing machine is locked in the closed position. The lid will be automatically locked when the washbowl is spinning during a wash program.
To fill and agitate the lid must be closed, but will not be automatically locked.
If the lid is open and the machine is waiting for it to be closed for the wash program to continue, you will see in the digital display accompanied by ‘beeping’.
Should you need to access the washbowl during spin, press Start/Pause. You will have to wait a short time for the bowl to stop spinning before the lid unlocks and the ‘Lid Locked’ indicator light turns ‘OFF’.
If then you open and close the lid, and the machine is still in a spin stage of the wash program, the lid will lock and the machine will continue to complete the spin stage.
så åDO NOT insert anything into the lid lock slot in the top panel of the washing machine.
:EDE _dj[h\[h[m_j^j^[b_ZbeYac[Y^Wd_icje
try and disable it or otherwise change the way it works.
:EDE jhoje\ehY[ef[dj^[b_Zm^[d_j_ibeYa[Z$
Press the Rinse Option button until Deep rinse is illuminated in the progress indicator. For deep rinse, the washer fills with water to the level selected for the wash water level.