We believe ASKO washers clean better than any other washer available on the market. With proper attention to how you prepare your laundry items for washing and drying, your wardrobe and linens will look like new for years.
Properly sorting your laundry is a very important factor in ensuring that your clothing and linens look new for a long time. Another important factor is properly following the care label instructions (see next page).
Below are some basic rules for sorting your laundry:
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1. Fabric color
Whites; pastels and medium colors; bright colors; dark colors
2 . Amount of soil
Heavily soiled items should be washed separately from lightly soiled items.
3 . Fabric Type
Delicates should be washed separately. You should also consider separating fabrics that tend to shed lint (e.g., cotton, chenille, and terrycloth) from fabrics that attract lint (e.g., permanent press, corduroy, velveteen, flannel and synthetics).
If the care label says "Wash Separately," the fabric is likely to lose color (excess dye) for the first few washings. To minimize the possibility of the color transferring to white or lighter colored items, wash new colored garments with items of similar color or separately. Bright reds and oranges on cottons are the dyes most likely to transfer colors to the wash load. Fluorescent colors should always be washed separately.
To reduce wrinkling, you should determine the load size based on the type(s) of fabrics being washed. The chart below gives recommended load sizes for different fabrics.
Load Size | Fabrics | |
Full | Cotton, linen | |
Half | Perm press, synthetics, acrylics |
Third | Special finish cottons, machine | |
| washable wool, silk, acetates | |
Cotton and Linen Fabrics
These items should be washed in full loads because the tumble action of the tub along with the gentle rubbing and lifting and falling movement of the clothes gives the best cleaning result.
Permanent Press Fabrics
These items need more room to move freely during washing for the most
Delicate Fabrics
More delicate fabrics, such as machine washable wool and silk, should only be washed in
ASKO washers are ideal for people allergic to detergent. Our Heavy, Normal and Light wash programs have five rinse cycles and a Super Rinse option that adds two more rinses. This ensures that all the detergent residue is rinsed out of your laundry.
As an extra precaution, you should use mild detergents and be careful not to use too much.
♦Always follow the care label instructions (see page 7).
♦Remove any sharp ornaments, pins or buckles to prevent snags.
♦Empty pockets and turn them inside out.
♦Close zippers and hooks to prevent snagging.
♦Tie sashes and strings to prevent tangling.
♦Mend any small rips to prevent them from enlarging.
♦Turn colored cotton garments, velvet and finer knitwear inside out before washing.
♦Turn delicate items, sweaters and
♦Prewash severely soiled items.
♦Wash colored fabrics separately the first time.
♦Thoroughly rinse down items, such as comforters (Super rinse).
♦Use fabric softener to eliminate static electricity in synthetic garments and to soften cotton.
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