Zoom: Zoom is a feature that focuses in on a smaller area of the bottom to provide enhanced resolution. With enhanced resolution, the angler can more easily see fish hanging in structure or multiple fish hanging close together. Split screen zoom divides the display into the full range view on the right, and the zoomed view on the left. Humminbird® offers
Zoom, Bottom Lock: Bottom Lock Zoom is a feature that focuses on a smaller area just above the bottom to provide enhanced resolution. Unlike regular zoom, it continuously graphs the bottom at a constant point on the display regardless of changes in depth. This "flattens" out the bottom contour, but is effective at showing fish on or near the bottom, and is preferred by many saltwater anglers.
GPS & Navigation Terms:
Acquisition Time: The length of time that a GPS receiver typically takes to determine a position from at least three satellites. Humminbird® GPS receivers provide very fast acquisition times (under one minute), permitting users to get out on the water faster.
Alarm, Arrival: The audible alert that sounds when the boat is equal to or less than the alarm setting (25
Alarm, Drift: Drift Alarm is an audible alert that sounds when the boat is equal to or over the alarm setting (25
Altitude: Altitude measures height above sea level. Altitude is a measurement that can be provided by GPS.