Furuno 1824C manual Contents of nav data window, Plotter Operation

Page 67




Latitude, Longitude

Bearing to Cursor

Latitude and longitude of cursor intersection










359. 9°M







99. 9nm


Cursor Mark

Range to

Trip Distance









Waypoint data (waypoint selected with cursor)

Own ship





soft key

Waypoint Name Bearing to Waypoint Course





359. 9°M 359. 9°M








19. 9nm 19. 9kt

99. 9nm




Waypoint Mark Range to Waypoint Speed

Trip Distance



Latitude, Longitude









359. 9°M




19. 9kt

99. 9nm

Own Ship Mark


Trip Distance

Destination waypoint data



soft key

Time-to-Go to Destination

Waypoint Name Bearing to Waypoint




359. 9°M TTG4D02H23M







19. 9nm ETA1st 13:45






Waypoint Mark Range to Waypoint Estimated Time of


Own ship speed and course



soft key



Course, Speed

Bearing to Waypoint







CSE 359. 9°M


359. 9 °M

TMP 79. 9°F


SOG 19. 9kt


99. 9nm

DPT 345 ft


Turns off


nav data



soft key



Water Temp.*, * Requires appropriate





Contents of nav data window


Image 67
Contents Page Safety Instructions Table of Contents ARP, TTM IiiARP Data Transfer Declaration of Conformity AP-1SP-1 IN-1Model Output Range Radar antenna size, type Rotation speed FeaturesVii NavNet system Model 1824C/1834C/1934C/1944C/1954C/1964C ViiiNavNet system Model 1824C/1834C/1934C/1944C/1954C/1964C Single-unit NavNet system GD-1920C Single-unit NavNet system GD-1920CThree-or-more-unit NavNet system Two-unit NavNet systemTwo-unit NavNet system Three-or-more-unit NavNet system Max display unitsDisplay unit controls Operating ControlsDisplay unit controls Operational Overview Soft keysDisplay unit Radar and plotter displaysKey Remote controllerKey Function Inserting a Chart Card Turning the Unit On/Off Display brilliance and panel brilliance windows Brilliance adjustment soft keysDisplay Brilliance, Panel Brilliance, Hue Display brilliance, panel brillianceHue window 2 HueNight Day Twilight Screen type and available display screen Selecting a DisplayDisplay modes Display screensDisplay screen selection window Selecting a displayRadar combination screen selection window To adjust Sounder Plotter Switching control in combination and overlay screensSelect source menu Selecting image sourceRadar source and sounder source windows Cursor, cursor data Trackball, CursorMOB concept Entering the MOB Mark, Setting MOB as DestinationMOB mark messages Temporarily erasing a data box Data BoxesShowing, hiding data boxes with soft key Rearranging data boxesFunction keys Function Default Setting, Key LabelFunction Keys Executing a functionSimulation Display Simulation setup menuRadar Sounder PlotterThis page intentionally left blank Transmitting, Stand-by Radar DisplayRadar display Gain sensitivity window TuningAdjusting the Gain Tuning windowHow the A/C SEA works Reducing Sea ClutterEffect of A/C SEA Rain setting window Adjusting the A/C SEAAdjusting the A/C Rain SEA setting windowRange scales km Range ScalePulselength Range scales nm, smFunction Indicator on display Soft key label Presentation ModeSelecting a presentation mode Signal process soft keysNorth-up Description of presentation modesHead-up Course-upMeasuring range by cursor How to measure range to a target with the cursorMeasuring the Range Measuring range by range ringsMeasuring range by VRM How to measure range with the VRMVarious VRM operations Various EBL operations Measuring the BearingMeasuring bearing by cursor Measuring bearing by EBLRadar interference Erasing the Heading Line, North MarkerReducing Noise Interference Rejecting Radar InterferenceZooming radar targets ZoomZoom Zooming ARP, TTM targetsTarget no. selection window Automatic shift Setting automatic shift maximum speedShifting the Picture Manual shiftPredicting collision course Using the Offset EBLPredicting collision course with the offset EBL Measuring range and bearing between two targets Measuring range & bearing between two targetsTrail soft keys Echo TrailsTrail time Sample echo trailsMultitone and monotone trails Starting echo trailsTrail gradation Trail colorTrail mode window Echo trail modeEcho Stretch Effect of echo averaging Echo AveragingTarget soft keys Outputting TLL DataSetting a guard alarm zone Guard AlarmHow to set a guard alarm zone How watchman works When the alarm is violated…Cancelling the guard alarm WatchmanSecond-trace echoes Setting watchman stand-by intervalSuppressing Second-trace Echoes Watchman time windowWaypoint marker Waypoint Marker26 ARP, TTM Operation Usage precautions for ARPARP Target Info window ARP setup menuActivating/deactivating ARP, TTM Acquiring and tracking targets ARPAutomatic acquisition ARP plot symbolsAutomatic acquisition area window Terminating tracking of all targets Displaying target number ARP, TTMTerminating tracking of ARP targets Terminating tracking of selected targetsWhat is a vector? Setting vector attributes ARPVector reference, vector time History interval window Displaying past position ARP26.7 ARP, TTM target data Past position displaysARP target data 26.8 CPA/TCPA alarm ARPCanceling a lost target Lost target alarm ARPLost target mark Sidelobe echoes Interpreting the Radar DisplayFalse echoes Multiple echoesSart Search and Rescue Transponder Appearance of Sart signal on the radar displayShadow sector Appearance of racon signal on the radar display General procedure for detecting Sart responseRacon Radar Beacon Nav data window Plotter DisplaysFull-screen plotter display Full-screen plotter displayPlotter Operation Contents of nav data windowCompass display Nav graphic displayCompass display XTE range setting window Reading the XTE cross-track error monitorAnemometer display Anemometer displayHighway display Highway displayNav data displays Nav data displayCourse-up Auto course-upPerspective C-map only North-upShifting the Display Chart ScaleChart Cards Chart card overviewSample chart Japan, showing indices Indices and chart enlargementWhen a chart cannot be displayed Data for aids to navigation Navionics chartsPort service icons Plotter display, showing port service displayObject information window Current or tide dataCurrent data display Object informationFind window Find functionExample of caution area window MAP chartsCursor and data display Objects windowLighthouse icon Icon dataObject windows Tide information Sample lighthouse dataTide window Date window Map, port service displayTrack control menu Working with TrackDisplaying track Own ship trackChanging track color Stopping, restarting plotting of own ship trackOwn ship’s track Interval window Track plotting method and interval for own ship trackOwn ship track color window Track plotting methodTrack memory window Changing own ship track/mark distribution settingTrack plotting interval Interval windowsErasing own ship track by color Erasing trackErasing own ship track by area Erase menuErasing all own ship track Marks, LinesEntering a mark, line Erase track by color windowMarks shape window Changing mark attributesSelecting line type Marks & lines menuErasing an individual line Erasing marks, linesLines style window Erasing an individual markEntering a waypoint at own ship position WaypointsEntering waypoints Erasing all marks, linesWaypoint mark shape selection window Waypoint windowWaypoint mark color selection window Entering a waypoint by range and bearing P TEditing waypoint data from the waypoint list Editing waypoint dataEntering a waypoint from the waypoint list Alphanumeric and local waypoint listsErasing a waypoint directly from the plotter display Erasing waypointsEditing a waypoint from the plotter display Plotter displayErasing a waypoint from the waypoint list Chart details menuChanging waypoint mark size Navionics Gold Erasing a waypoint from the menuAlphanumeric list Searching waypointsRoute menu RoutesCreating routes Entering a route with existing waypointsEntering a route with the cursor New route entry screenCreating voyage-based routes Save route window Save route menuDisplays for entry of time, distance interval Connect route window Connecting routesWaypoint list for editing a Route local list Inserting waypointsInserting a waypoint from the route list Edit route menuRemoving a waypoint from the plotter display Removing waypoints from a routeInserting a waypoint from the plotter display Removing a waypoint from the route listSelecting quick point entry method NavigationErasing routes Navigating to a quick pointSelecting a waypoint from the plotter display Navigating to waypointsNavigating to a single quick point Navigating to multiple quick pointsSelecting an external waypoint Navigating to ports, port services NavChartTM onlyQP window Select Service Port services and sample port listNavigating waypoints in reverse order Following a routeSelecting the route to follow Plotter display, route selected as destinationRestarting navigation Example of when to restart navigationLog display Select speed for ETA window Setting speed for ETA calculationSwitching waypoints Automatic waypoint switching methodsThrough the menu Canceling route navigationOn the plotter display Audio alarm window AlarmsAudio alarm on/off Plotter alarm menuHow the arrival alarm works Arrival alarmArrival alarm window How the anchor watch alarm works Anchor watch alarmAnchor watch alarm window XTE alarm window XTE Cross-Track Error alarmSpeed alarm How the XTE alarm worksTrip alarm window Proximity alarmTrip alarm Proximity alarm windowGrounding alarm window Grounding alarm C-MAP specificationPlotter alarm menu, Alarm informationPlotter alarm messages and their meanings Alarm messagesMessage Meaning General setup menu, Resetting Trip DistanceThis page intentionally left blank Sounder Displays Display mode windowSelecting a sounder display Dual-frequency display Description of sounder displaysSingle-frequency display Indications on the single frequency displayMarker-zoom display Sounding area and transmission frequencyMarker-zoom display plus normal sounder display Bottom-lock display plus normal sounder display Bottom-zoom displayBottom-zoom display plus normal sounder display Bottom-lock displayScope display Bottom discrimination displayBottom discrimination display Scope display display onlyTypes of automatic sounder modes Automatic Sounder OperationSelecting screen split method in combination displays How the automatic sounder worksSelecting display range How to enable automatic sounder operationSelecting the manual mode Manual Sounder OperationGain window Adjusting the gainShifting the range Examples of proper and improper gainTypes of interference How to measure depth and timeMeasuring Depth, Time Reducing InterferenceClutter window Reducing Low Level NoiseNoise limiter window Appearance of clutterErasing Weak Echoes Signal level windowAppearance of weak echoes Advancement independent of ship’s speed Color bar 16 color when white marker function is activeWhite Marker Picture Advance SpeedPicture advance window Advancement synchronized with ship’s speedHue no. and background and echo colors Display ColorsHue No Echo Color Background Color Alarm audio window Sounder alarm menuFish alarm window Bottom alarmFish alarm Bottom alarm windowWater temperature alarm window Fish alarm B/LWater temperature alarm Fish alarm B/L windowFish Alarm When an alarm setting is violatedSounder alarm messages and their meanings Depth AlarmChanging Pulse Repetition Rate Water Temperature GraphSaving Sounder Picture to an SD Card Zero line Interpreting the Sounder DisplayZero line Bottom echoSurface noise/aeration Fish school echoesSurface noise/Aeration Fish school echoesThis page intentionally left blank AIS Option menu Turning AIS Feature On/OffVector mode AIS Display Mode windowAIS Operation Symbol Description AIS SymbolsSetting Number of AIS Targets to Display AIS symbolsDisplaying Target Data Activating TargetsAIS target data display Confirming a lost target Setting CPA and TcpaLost Target Lost targetCPA window Proximity AlarmTcpa window Choosing Vector Time Showing, Hiding AIS Target TracksAIS vector time window AIS past position displays Displaying Past Positions of AIS TargetsData Transfer Deleting all data other than chart data from memory cardsMemory Card Operations Save data menuMessage Reason Remedy Saving data to a memory cardMemory card messages Memory card messagesLoad data menu Playing back data from a memory cardUpload and download menus Setting communication software on the PCUploading, Downloading Data Uploading or downloading dataCharacters available for comment Baud rate windowWaypoint data format Waypoint data formatRoute comment data format Route data menuEnd of sentence Mark data format Loading Waypoint Data from YeomanMark data format Marks & lines window Receiving Data Via Network EquipmentReceive data menu Host name windowSelect sentence menu Outputting Data Through the NetworkThis page intentionally left blank General setup menu General SetupContents of general setup menu Contents of general setup menu con’t from previous AIS Option Radar SetupRadar display setup Radar display setup menuCon’t on next Contents of radar display setup menuContents of radar display setup menu con’t from previous Radar range setup menu Radar range setupModel Maximum Range Radar function key options Function key setupFunction Key Default Function Radar function key menuMenu Item Function Function Key Label Radar function keysPlotter setup menu Contents of plotter setup menu Plotter SetupNavigation options TRK EML RUL ADD ALP Plotter function key menuPlotter function keys Chart offset Chart SetupPlotter display, chart offset selected Navionics Gold chart attributes Contour Line Soft key MAP chart attributesDisplaying the Chart Configuration menu Chart configuration menu C-MAPChart Configuration menu description Chart Configuration menu descriptionObject Content Settings Description Object Content Setting Description Chart Configuration menu description con’t from previousNormal or U.ZOOM or O.ZOOM Depth Config menu Depth Config soft keyDepth Config menu description Show from Data Boxes SetupSetting Setting Range Default Setting Data box menuData Boxes Setup Hot page setup menu Hot Page SetupHot page setup menu, Split X 3 screen, sub screen selection Navigator SetupNavigation data source Contents of nav setup menu GPS setup menu Contents of GPS setup menu GPS receiver setup Set equipped with GP-310B/320BContents of GPS setup menu con’t on previous GPS Status Contents of Waas Setup menu TD display setupTD setup menu Displaying Decca TDs Displaying Loran C TDsLoran GRI & station pair window Loran C GRI & station pair windowNav data setup screen Nav Data Display SetupSounder system setup menu Sounder SetupSystem setup Nav data setup windowSM1-SM4, OFF Sounder system setup menu descriptionTVG HF,LFSounder system setup menu description con’t from previous Setting range for default Default Setting Sensor setupSensor setup menu Sensor setup menu settingsZoom range and bottom-lock ranges Sounder range setup menuDefault basic ranges Sounding range, zoom range, bottom lock rangeSounder function key options Sounder function key menuTLL CLT SLV Sounder function keys Depth graph up-date window Nav Graphic Display SetupNAV Graphic menu Graphic meter windowLCD Preventive MaintenanceMaintenance program Check point RemedyBatteries in remote controller Replacement of BatteriesReplacement of Fuse Battery on circuit boardRadar model and magnetron used Trackball MaintenanceReplacing the Magnetron Replacing the Synchro Belt 1824C onlyGeneral Simple TroubleshootingGeneral troubleshooting Radar troubleshootingPlotter Plotter troubleshootingSounder Sounder troubleshootingMemory I/O test DiagnosticsMemory I/O Test menu GPS receiver test results Display unit testDisplay unit test results GPS sensor test Requires GPS Receiver GP-310B/320BARP test results Network sounder test resultsTest pattern sequence Test patternScreen for testing keyboard, remote controller Keyboard, remote controller testGPS status display GPS Status DisplayMemory clear menu Clearing MemoriesWindows for clearing memory Heading Data Missing Error MessagesError messages Error Message Meaning Remedy GeneralAP-1 Menu OverviewAppendix AP-2AP-3 SetupAP-4 NAV Graphic Display SetupPlotter AP-5AP-6 Depth Config soft keyAP-7 Zoom Marker ON, OFF HUE 1-9 AP-8Sounder Alarms Alarm keyRadar Alarms Plotter AlarmsAP-10 Geodetic Chart ListAP-11 IconsIcon Meaning AP-12 Model 18x4C/19x4C Series Specifications of Marine RadarTransceiver Module Display Unit Plotter Function Environmental Condition Specifications of Video Plotter GD-1920C IN-1 IndexIndex IN-2Messages IN-3IN-4 TD setupPage Page
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