Section 1 • Safety
Turn - Arm raised, circle with index finger extended.
Skier in Water - Extend one ski vertically out of water.
Back to Dock - Pat top of head.
Cut Motor - Draw finger across throat.
Slow Down - Thumb pointed down or palm down, move hand up and down.
Faster - Thumb pointed up or palm up, move hand up and down.
Speed OK - Raise arm and form a circle with thumb and index finger.
Stop - Raise arm with palm vertical and facing forward.
Turn Right - Extend right arm out from body to the right.
Turn Left - Extend left arm out from body to the left.
OK After a Fall - Clasp hands together overhead.
Recognize and respect diving flags. (See Figure 1.10.2) Keep at least 30 meters (100 feet) away.
Sport Divers Flag – Red flag with diagonal white stripe marks a diver in the water.
Code Alpha Flag – Blue and white pennant designates boat being used in dive operations
(FIG. 1.10.2) | RED | BLUE | WHITE |
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In General
When engaged in water sports, be safe and courteous to others sharing the water:
•Be considerate to fishermen.
•Do not water ski in congested areas.
•Keep the boat and skier away from navigation markers.
•Stay well clear of other boats and skiers.
16.Emergency Situations
Prevention is the safest approach. We hope that you are never involved in an emergency situation.
If you are involved in an emergency situation, it is imperative that you know how to react, in order to protect the lives in your care.
ASSISTING OTHER BOATERS: All boaters have an obligation to help other boaters who are in distress, as long as rendering assistance does not endanger you, your passengers, or your boat.
1.10 | 202 Islander® |