SoundCraft Spirit Live 4 manual Group Section

Page 19






Linear fad ers are p rovid ed for p recise and sm ooth level


control for each Stereo section .

















A m ono Retu rn is p rovid ed to each ou tp u t Grou p , w hich is


intend ed for u se as a su b-m ix from another d esk or as an


effects inp u t. The inp u t is electronically balanced on a


stand ard 1¤4" 3-p ole ‘A’ gau ge jack.








An Insert is p rovid ed for each ou tp u t Grou p to allow external


p rocessing equ ip m ent to be ‘inserted ’ into the ou tp u t p ath .


The 1¤4" 3-p ole ‘A’ gau ge jacks are byp assed excep t w hen a


p lu g is inserted .








The level of the signal at the RETURN inp u t (1, above) is set


by a rotary control. A p anel m arking ind icates the nom inal


u nity gain p osition .








The Grou p PAN control d eterm ines the p osition of the signal



w ithin the stereo im age w hich is rou ted to the m ix L/ R bu sses



w hen L-Ris p ressed . Rotation fu lly anticlockw ise feed s the



signal solely to the Left m ix bu ss, w hile rotation clockw ise



sw eep s the im age to the right.








When the PFL sw itch is p ressed , the p re-fad e Grou p signal is


fed to the head p hones and RIGHT/PFL METER w here it


rep laces the m ix signal. The AFL/PFL LED on the m aster


section illu m inates to w arn that the head p hones and m eter


are now resp ond ing to the AFL/ PFL selection and the PFL


LED on the Grou p lights to id entify the active Grou p .








Long throw fad ers are p rovid ed for each Grou p w ith u nity


gain at the top of their travel.

Pa ge 17

Image 19
Contents Page Page User Guide Introduction Basic Principles of PA Mixing Pre-Fade-ListenPFL allow s you to MixerClipping Getting Started Connections and ConnectorsPola rity Ba lanced a nd Unba la ncedUnbalanced Pa ge Direc T O Utput Getting to Know Your ConsoleInput Channel IC RO PHO NE InputAIN C O Ntro L Line InputInsert Line Selec TEQ Ualiser HI- Pass FilterAuxiliary Sends RO Uting Switc HES PA NPFL/ Peak LED Switc HStereo Inputs Stereo SectionsEQ Ualisatio N PFL AUX SendAUX Selec TIO N Balanc EGroup Section IX L & R O Utputs RO UP O UtputPO WER SO C KET No O UtputHeadpho NE V O LUM E Auxiliary M AstersAuxiliary O Utputs Talkbac KInitial Set Up Using Your Spirit Live 4 ConsolePa ge Exa mple 1 Public Address Stereo Output ApplicationsExa mple 3 Public Address Mono Output Exa mple 2 Public Address Stereo + Centre FeedExa mple Multitra ck Recording Exa mple 4 Stereo RecordingGenera l Preca utions Care of Your MixerFrequency response Selectable Options Removal of +48V on Mic Inputs Reconfiguring Aux 2 as a Post Fa de Send Noise SpecificationsDistortion Page Stereo Input Stereo