SoundCraft Spirit Live 4 manual Ba lanced a nd Unba la nced, Pola rity

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Ba lanced a nd Unba la nced

All channel inp u ts are balanced , i.e. there are sep arate +ve(hot) and -ve (cold ) w ires for each signal p lu s a grou nd . The d esign of the d ifferential inp u t am p lifiers is su ch that interference p icked u p on these w ires is cancelled ou t. This is becau se, since both w ires are in close p roxim ity, the same interference w ill be p icked u p on each w ire and balanced inp u t am p lifiers w ill only am p lify the difference betw een +ve(hot) and -ve(cold ). Any signal on both hot and cold (i.e. noise) w ill not be am p lified - this is know n as com m on m od e rejection (CMR). Balanced inp u ts shou ld alw ays have both +ve and -ve connected or if only an u nbalanced sou rce, the -ve p in shorted to grou nd .

N ote: m any m od ern au d io/ m u sical instru m ents have electronically balanced ou tp u ts w hich shou ld not be u nbalanced by shorting one w ire to grou nd . Alw ays u se you r inp u ts balanced w here p ossible.

The Mix L/ R and Mono ou tp u ts, Grou p and Au xiliary ou tp u ts are ground compensated and p rovid e a very effective w ay of op tim ising noise im m u nity, w ithou t the cost and com p lexity of balanced ou tp u ts. These ou tp u ts em p loy grou nd com p ensation techniqu es to cancel ou t the effects of variation in grou nd p otential betw een the m ixer and other equ ip m ent w hich w ou ld otherw ise show u p as hu m . If the ou tp u t is d riving a d evice or am p lifier that has an u nbalanced inp u t, connect the -ve(cold ) signal to the grou nd at the d estination, not at the ou tp u t of you r SPIRIT LIVE 4 console.

Pola rity

You w ill p robably be fam iliar w ith the concep t of p olarity in


electrical signals and this is of

p articu lar im p ortance to


balanced au d io signals.

Ju st as a

balanced signal is highly


effective at cancelling

ou t u nw anted interference, so tw o


m icrop hones p icking u p the sam e signal can cancel ou t, or


cau se seriou s d egrad ation of the signal if one of the cables has


the +ve and -ve w ires reversed . This phase reversal can be a


real p roblem w hen m icrop hones are close together and you


shou ld therefore take care alw ays

to connect p ins correctly


w hen w iring au d io cables.


Grounding a nd Shielding For op tim u m p erform ance it is vital that all signals are referenced to a solid , noise-free earthing p oint and that all signal cables have their screens connected to grou nd . To avoid earth ‘loop s’, u se balanced connections w here p ossible and ensu re that all cable screens and other signal earths are connected to grou nd only at their sou rce and not at both end s.

Pa ge 7

Image 9
Contents Page Page User Guide Introduction Basic Principles of PA Mixing Pre-Fade-ListenPFL allow s you to MixerClipping Getting Started Connections and ConnectorsPola rity Ba lanced a nd Unba la ncedUnbalanced Pa ge Input Channel Getting to Know Your ConsoleIC RO PHO NE Input Direc T O UtputInsert Line InputLine Selec T AIN C O Ntro LEQ Ualiser HI- Pass FilterAuxiliary Sends PFL/ Peak LED PA NSwitc H RO Uting Switc HESStereo Sections Stereo InputsEQ Ualisatio N AUX Selec TIO N AUX SendBalanc E PFLGroup Section PO WER SO C KET RO UP O UtputNo O Utput IX L & R O UtputsAuxiliary O Utputs Auxiliary M AstersTalkbac K Headpho NE V O LUM EInitial Set Up Using Your Spirit Live 4 ConsolePa ge Exa mple 1 Public Address Stereo Output ApplicationsExa mple 3 Public Address Mono Output Exa mple 2 Public Address Stereo + Centre FeedExa mple Multitra ck Recording Exa mple 4 Stereo RecordingGenera l Preca utions Care of Your MixerFrequency response Selectable Options Removal of +48V on Mic Inputs Reconfiguring Aux 2 as a Post Fa de Send Noise SpecificationsDistortion Page Stereo Input Stereo